How many carry extra magazine concealed carry.

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   / How many carry extra magazine concealed carry. #21  
I'm blessed to not feel the need to carry here. With that said, I greatly appreciate those that do. Thank you guys for being prepared. If there would have been a few conceal carry guys in Paris things would have turned out a lot differently. I have little to no respect for the French.....

Thanks again guys.

I am with your viewpoint 100%...and I posted the same thoughts on Facebook that if France had less restrictive laws on handgun ownership perhaps the carnage would not have been so extreme. And somebody took offense at my post, they put up some stupid link that read in part: "No mass shooting in the past thirty years has been stopped by an armed are not John Wayne, etc." I have ZERO tolerance for anyone who posts some stupid, redundant link to make their point because they are too lazy to make their own opinion known.
   / How many carry extra magazine concealed carry. #22  
I am with your viewpoint 100%...and I posted the same thoughts on Facebook that if France had less restrictive laws on handgun ownership perhaps the carnage would not have been so extreme. And somebody took offense at my post, they put up some stupid link that read in part: "No mass shooting in the past thirty years has been stopped by an armed are not John Wayne, etc." I have ZERO tolerance for anyone who posts some stupid, redundant link to make their point because they are too lazy to make their own opinion known.

Me too.

Correct me if I'm wrong but I believe 89 were killed at the Concert by individual shooters?? I think in America someone would have taken out the shooter.

As to your example. You can't fix stupid. :)

P.S. I still have ill feelings toward France from WWII and that was my Dad's War.
   / How many carry extra magazine concealed carry. #23  
I don't. If I have time to reload, I have time to get the heck out of there. If I'm shooting, I'm also looking for and trying to find an escape route!!!!
   / How many carry extra magazine concealed carry. #24  
Everyone has their own perception and reaction to deal with. I tell everyone I talk to about CC that if you carry then be prepared to draw and empty the gun. If you are hesitant to do that, I'd rather you didn't carry. All you are going to do is "muddy the waters" in a shooting scenario. Hopefully I'll retrieve your weapon after you are disabled rather than the "Wolf" retrieving it. No offense intended.
No offense intended either, but telling someone "be prepared to draw and empty the gun" is not part of any training I had in the Army, at Sig Sauer Academy, at any IDPA training or events, or in the training to become an NRA Pistol Instructor.

Anyone who is going to carry should by all means investigate for themselves the most likely threat scenarios and the most effective response, as well as what is likely to happen afterwards.
   / How many carry extra magazine concealed carry. #25  
I looked at reports of shoot outs and alo took a three day course at Sig Sauer. First of all there is little hard data and police shoot outs may or may not be applicable. Many trainers have their own ideas and data to support those techniques.

From what I can tell it is extraordinarily unlikely that you would fire more than two to four rounds. Consider that "Each round you fire comes with a lawyer attached."

OTOH it is very likely that the incident occurs in low light conditions: Sig says 70-80% occur in "low light" conditions. Night sights or a light are thus much more likely to be useful than extra capacity.

It is considerably more likely you will be attacked by someone with fists, a club, or knife than a gun. In many instances (in the city, anyway) having something like pepper spray instantly available may be more practical than drawing a gun. Getting cover or an obstacle between us is my first instinct.

Here is a little more food for thought, you have a 80-90% survival rate being shot, you have a 50% with a knife, and you have 0-50 with a blunt object. A man with a ball bat will kill you quicker and probaly not realizing he's doing it, which opens another can of worms people throw at you. " why did you shoot him he only had a knife, or bat" Really? Those are the ones I would like to trade places with.:shocked::D
   / How many carry extra magazine concealed carry. #26  
I have talked with people about cc and the one thing I ask them , Can you kill him? If you hesitate on that answer, then you probaly don't need to carry a gun. I have heard people say they will scare them with it. No, that will get you killed. CC is a huge responsibility, but being mentaly prepared to protcet your life or your family is an important factor to consider. Once the trigger is pulled its a different ball game.:2cents:
   / How many carry extra magazine concealed carry. #27  
For those that say they don't carry an extra mag because they don't think they'll need to reload or use that many rounds consider carrying an extra for other reasons. Take into consideration that the magazine is typically the weakest link of any platform.

If the floor plate gets knocked off/broken (hitting on the ground, cover, etc..) then all your rounds but the one in tube are squirting out on the ground.

The second process for a hard malfunction includes stripping the mag from the gun.

Mags are the primary fault for soft/ feed malfunctions.

Stress of the situation causing the shooter to get a bad grip or simply hit the release on accident and dumping the mag.

I agree, carrying an extra can be uncomfortable but having it could prove to be well worth it.

Just food for thought and things to bounce around.
   / How many carry extra magazine concealed carry. #28  
Unless I'm standing protecting a family member I will be shooting over my shoulder as I exit the area. I have no desire to stand and engage in a firefight. The seven rounds in my LCP will hopefully give me an opportunity to stop the threat or leave the area.
   / How many carry extra magazine concealed carry. #29  
What's a magazine?



   / How many carry extra magazine concealed carry. #30  
I mostly OC instead of CC.. When I have to CC I carry my xtra mag of 18
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