how much to tip?

   / how much to tip? #1  


Super Star Member
Feb 27, 2012
New Hope PA
in between now
Applebee’s waitress fired, church embarrassed after pastor’s receipt goes viral | World | News | National Post

reading this made me post this question in rural living, since urban areas seem to run by their own rules.
Wait staff, and I have plenty of experience early on doing that, cannot live on 10%.
I think that is as unreasonable as demanding/auto deducting 18% on parties of x or more.
How many big parties skip out without a tip? Are people that nasty? I'm hoping it's a real minority, so
"protecting" its employees by mandatory tipping has always seemed shaky to me.

Am I going to give that nice lady who refilled my coffee cup only 18% or whatever of $1.49? No way.
Too hard to do the math anyway...:)
They are going to get something rounded up, likely way more than 18%.

yes lady, you have brought embarrassment to yourself. Tipping wait staff and tithing to a church are not in the same universe.

I am not hesitant to leave a small tip, or no tip, if the meal was awful, caused by the wait staff. And I will always tell them why, as nicely
as I can. I'm not a patient guy, though doing better
in retirement, in less of a rush, but let my coffee cup get stone cold and I'm going to meet some resistance pulling that extra one out...

Tips are meant to be earned. If they are, does leaving two bucks total for a 1.29 cup of coffee seem too much? I know I tend to be generous, since I spent so many
hours bussing tables in high school. When you are on the other end of that very heavy tray, hour after hour, getting dis'd by patrons that you busted your hump for is
really discouraging. So I try in my way to make up for the cheapskates and losers who stiff the waitress. Not crazy tipping, just on the more generous side. I start with 20%, if only
because it's easier to figure out, and then work up or down from there.

So all of you who go in your local diner, and meet Sally at the counter. Do you do something a little extra?
I'm interested in the "country" orientation to this.
   / how much to tip? #2  
I guess I would be considered a fairly generous tipper (extremely generous if you ask swmbo). Never less than 20% (unless service was bad of course) and never less than $1. Also not too shy about leaving little or nothing if I feel that is what the service was worth. If something is wrong with the service or my order, I always try and give the server a chance to fix the problem.
In local establishments (where I know the servers personally) I will sometimes go higher than 20%. I play cards at a local bar once a week, pretty common to tip the bartender his 20% and buy him a shot to boot. The shot is to be drank after working hours of course.
   / how much to tip? #3  
I guess I would be considered a fairly generous tipper (extremely generous if you ask swmbo). Never less than 20% (unless service was bad of course) and never less than $1.

Given a choice, I would be in the 20% baseline camp, but I don't have a choice. My wife is in the 25% baseline camp.;)

I have noticed that many of my fellow seniors appear to be in the 10% (or less) camp.

Just curious. What do you tip your barber? My wife doesn't go with me to the barbershop, so I am on my own.:) My barber charges $13/cut and $12/cut for those 65 and older. I have been giving him $15 -- a 15+% tip before I turned 65, 25% since then.

   / how much to tip? #4  
I normally give 15%+, never less than $1/head. I think of it this way: the food was grown, harvested, processed, transported while fresh, distributed, stocked, order taken, expertly prepared, and carried to your table at a pleasantly maintained facility, then someone cleans up and does the dishes. I think 15% is plenty for the " take order and carry" portion of the effort.

The church is asking for 10% of everything you've got so that comparison was just stupid.
   / how much to tip? #5  
I guess I would be considered a fairly generous tipper (extremely generous if you ask swmbo). Never less than 20% (unless service was bad of course) and never less than $1. Also not too shy about leaving little or nothing if I feel that is what the service was worth. If something is wrong with the service or my order, I always try and give the server a chance to fix the problem.
In local establishments (where I know the servers personally) I will sometimes go higher than 20%. I play cards at a local bar once a week, pretty common to tip the bartender his 20% and buy him a shot to boot. The shot is to be drank after working hours of course.

what irritates me is when you go to a bar and order a beer and the server expects a $1.00 tip per beer ! And someone needs to teach these young bartenders how to actually do their job to their own benefit , if I walk in and they can't even say hello and stand down the bar texting on their phone why would I be inclined to tip them at all ?
   / how much to tip? #6  
Always 25 percent ........ if satisfied with the service.
   / how much to tip?
  • Thread Starter
I had the same barber since I was 2... until several years ago when he retired.
He had gone into partnership with a young couple, both barbers, and the cost of a haircut
immediately went from 15 to 18 dollars. Ok, "Gus" was worth it. So I fussed with dollar bills making sure he
got paid 23 bucks. Was always easier "before", fifteen dollar haircut, give the man a twenty.

We are in a relatively high rent district where a lot of barbers want hairstylist money, but I found a new barber now
closer to home. 13 for a haircut, which is really cheap for our area. So I'm not going to give him two bucks, and I'm tired of fiddling
with ones, so I give him the same twenty I had been giving out for dozens of years before. Yes, a high percentage, and maybe too much.
I also give him an extra twenty at Christmas. Once I find a barber I like, and he remembers my name..., when he's whizzing around my ears with
something sharp, I want him to be very happy.

Btw, if I'm unhappy with the service, I rarely leave nothing. Usually a dollar. So they knew I thought about it.
   / how much to tip? #8  
This is just another reason to eat at home . surly bartenders , mediocre food and lousy service why bother ? if their not happy with their tips go find a new job !
   / how much to tip?
  • Thread Starter
what irritates me is when you go to a bar and order a beer and the server expects a $1.00 tip per beer ! And someone needs to teach these young bartenders how to actually do their job to their own benefit , if I walk in and they can't even say hello and stand down the bar texting on their phone why would I be inclined to tip them at all ?

If you do, you confirm their sense of entitlement.
Smiles are inexpensive, and sometimes phoney, but I'd like one anyway.
   / how much to tip? #10  
In my business excellent customer service is tops.My business depends on it.If you'er waiting on me in a restaurant.I'm you'er customer. If I get bad service you don't get paid or, paid very little. If I get excellent service you will be well compensated for it