How to Test Tire Fill for Freeze?

   / How to Test Tire Fill for Freeze? #11  
My latest methanol filled tires are basically clear liquid. That’s what the local Kubota dealer uses. You should have your freezer test results by now?
Check your pressure? R4 tires might flat spot more noticeable than R1? I haven’t really noticed.
   / How to Test Tire Fill for Freeze?
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I only drained a little fluid from the left tire, it’s been in the freezer for 4+ hours, I just checked it with my laser thermometer and it shows 18.3* F with zero signs of ice. I’ll check it again in a couple hours, then check the right side tire tomorrow. At this point I’m leaning toward the tires flat-spotting in sub zero temps when sitting for ~50 days last winter. But it’s good to confirm. Thanks all...

   / How to Test Tire Fill for Freeze?
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9*F and zero ice, I’ll call that good for me and my area LOL. Just for kicks I’ll test the other side tomorrow but suspect I’ll see the same results. Thanks all!

   / How to Test Tire Fill for Freeze? #14  
I have the beet juice in mine(rim guard) and while I don’t think it freezes I think in might get thicker. When driving faster in the winter I’ve also had that lumpy feeling, I figure the fluid just isn’t flowing as easily.
   / How to Test Tire Fill for Freeze? #15  
I, also, have RimGuard in my M6040 tires. Ditto on the "lumpy feeling" in cold weather faster driving. I think the fluid retains its original configuration until the tire is spun for a while and maybe the fluid is finally equally distributed.