Howdy from God's Country....West Va

   / Howdy from God's Country....West Va #1  


New member
Jul 18, 2010
wheel horse commando 8
Just pokin' my head in to say howdy and I hope I can be of some help along the way. I know a lot about nothing and a little about lots of things. Glad I found you guys too. Already had a question answered just by stumbling in here.
   / Howdy from God's Country....West Va #2  
:welcome:So what part of God's country? I've visited there many, many times since I've been married the last 45 years to a gal from Princeton. She still has a sister, two brothers, and a bunch of other relatives in that state.
   / Howdy from God's Country....West Va #3  
Welcome micah68kj.

You will love this site, it's addictive. Only drove through WVa a couple of times, sure looked nice I must agree.