Oil & Fuel HST Filter and Transmission Filter

   / HST Filter and Transmission Filter #1  
Dec 22, 2005
central NC
TYM T474
I am trying to change do my 50 hour service on my DK5310SE. I know my way around a mower with no problems. But I'm still learning tractors. This is my first Kioti as well.

I went to my dealer and picked up an oil filter, HST filter, and transmission filter. But now I already have a few questions.

1. Do I need both an HST filter and a transmission filter? Why am I thinking the HST filter is the transmission filter on an HST tractor?

2. I was going to just replace the HST filter and not the fluid as the manual says. But unless I had the tractor laying on its left side, I saw no way around almost a complete fluid change. I estimate at least 7-8 gallons of hydraulic fluid before I could safely remove the HST filter and replace it. Once I start replacing my HST fluid, is there anything special I need to do to make sure the hydraulic fluid is circulated well throughout the tractor and FEL?

   / HST Filter and Transmission Filter #2  
Try this and other threads on TBN... ignore the "beware" part.
   / HST Filter and Transmission Filter #3  
I don't know Kioti - at all. My Kubota L2501 uses both an HST filter and a transmission filter. I believe the HST requires better filtered oil than the hydraulic system as a whole. Using my shop vac did prevent the need to drain the whole transmission. I did have to pour about three quarts of fluid into my tractor but I can't promise it was clear full when I started. The shop vac pulls a partial vacuum to counteract atmospheric pressure pushing the hydraulic fluid out.
   / HST Filter and Transmission Filter #4  
I changed both and used the shop vac , and it worked very well for me also .
   / HST Filter and Transmission Filter
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Thanks everyone. I will continue in the morning.
   / HST Filter and Transmission Filter #6  
I changed out the complete transmission and hst Oil in my CK30 including both filters at around 60 hours. My choice to change it all out to remove breakin materials. I even had magnets on the filters to catch any small iron fines. Figured internals are expensive and even using a premium fluid like Amsoil THF, is cheap insurance in my mind. My 2cents, Dutchy
   / HST Filter and Transmission Filter
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Everything is done. New Rotella T6 with filter, new trans and HST filters, and about 8 gallons of hydraulic fluid from what came out from the trans filter removal. Thanks all.
   / HST Filter and Transmission Filter #8  
I am trying to change do my 50 hour service on my DK5310SE. I know my way around a mower with no problems. But I'm still learning tractors. This is my first Kioti as well.

I went to my dealer and picked up an oil filter, HST filter, and transmission filter. But now I already have a few questions.

1. Do I need both an HST filter and a transmission filter? Why am I thinking the HST filter is the transmission filter on an HST tractor?

2. I was going to just replace the HST filter and not the fluid as the manual says. But unless I had the tractor laying on its left side, I saw no way around almost a complete fluid change. I estimate at least 7-8 gallons of hydraulic fluid before I could safely remove the HST filter and replace it. Once I start replacing my HST fluid, is there anything special I need to do to make sure the hydraulic fluid is circulated well throughout the tractor and FEL?

The reason there’s two filters is the primary side of the hyd pump feeds the loader and rear remotes. The secondary side feeds the power steering, HST, and PTO switch. The hydraulic cooler is also inline with the secondary circuit.

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