hydraulic pressure mystery on L5740

   / hydraulic pressure mystery on L5740 #1  


Veteran Member
Dec 5, 2009
B3200, L5740,
I have been over on the Kubota forum and decided to give some fellas here a chance at explaining my mystery.
I have a Kubota L5740 with loader and I just installed a factory rear remote.
As a general rule I checked the pressure after I installed just for the fun even thought I knew it had to be the same as the loader pressure because it uses the same relief. Well I got surprised.
Loader Pressure 2550psi
Rear remote pressure 3200psi
Same rpms same everything.
The oil flows from the pump to the loader valve for loader valve PB port to rest of the tractor. 3 pt, rear remotes etc.
Seems impossible to me. Checked gauge and everything but this is what I get.
I will provide the link to my post over on Kubota ownig/operating forum if you want to read.:)


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