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   / Hydrofracing #201  
Short Game said:
With the timber companies spraying herbicides directly into my water source, it will be hard for me to judge if I'm also reacting to fracking chemicals.

There is, in at least one profession, an oath taken to, "first, do no harm."

Unfortunately, in most for profit endeavors, it's "shoot first, ask questions later." Lawyers on retainer are asked about risk assessment. If someone or something gets damaged, will we make enough to cover it and still make our targeted earnings?

And your own federal govt under a democrat president shoots their own women citizens holding their babies. Re: Ruby Ridge. I'll take my chances with a corporation. You can keep your government.
   / Hydrofracing #202  
Just out of curiousity, what is that herbicide?

It was Accord XRT (Glyphsate), Oust Extra (Sulfometuron Methyl), and Syltac (Surfactant). I lost count of how many tanks the helicopter used. It went on for at least an hour in a 40 acre cut. Our stream comes from a spring in that cut. Grandfathered water right.

They posted warning signs on the logging roads at entry points of the spray area from their (or the loggers') side of it, but not from my (or the local residents') side of it. The sign finished with, "Entry beyond this point is at your own risk."

They assured me beforehand that they would be careful to avoid our water. Then they sprayed directly into it for a couple hundred feet.

Thank you, Hancock Forest Management (lying bastards!).
   / Hydrofracing #203  
And your own federal govt under a democrat president shoots their own women citizens holding their babies. Re: Ruby Ridge. I'll take my chances with a corporation. You can keep your government.

What a ridiculous post.

George Herbert Walker Bush was a secret Democrat on August 22, 1992?

This would have been while I was campaigning for James "Bo" Gritz (against Bill Clinton and G.H.W. Bush). Gritz volunteered as a mediator and tried to stop what the Bush Administration's FBI, US Marshals, and ATF, were doing at Ruby Ridge.

Knowing is not enough...

Knowing might help though, eh?

FBI director Louis Freeh (appointed by Clinton) disciplined or proposed discipline for twelve FBI employees over their handling of the incident and the later prosecution of Randy Weaver and Harris. He described it before the U.S. Senate hearing investigating the incident as "synonymous with the exaggerated application of federal law enforcement" and stated "law enforcement overreacted at Ruby Ridge."

(Do not construe this as an endorsement of Bill Clinton. It's just to show how whacked people can get behind their insane partisanship.)

Now I suppose we can all get in a lather over Clinton because he'd been in office for about 39 days when the Waco Siege began. (How many of them were new hires after the 39 days? Well, I guess you have Janet Reno to kick around for this. After all, she'd just inherited these bureaucracies too. But, we can choose to make it a major party football game.)

These are all bad doings, but depending on how, and where, we get informed, it can all be used to get us worked up over just about anyone, for Lord knows what reasons. It all comes down to powerful people (party, agency, corporation, media, etc.), riding in on various institutional platforms, and doing bad stuff, simply because they can get away with it. So, we pick our favorite color ponies and ride them, or we keep our integrity and avoid being duped.
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   / Hydrofracing #204  
So I was mistaken on the date, it was 20 years ago unless you want to get technical on my math too. Bottom line is government shoots people. Try fighting your government or even disagreeing with your government. This is what happens.
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