I am ticked..!!!!

   / I am ticked..!!!! #1  


Veteran Member
Oct 5, 2003
Kentucky, West of the Lakes, South of Possum Trot.
Kioti CK20S
For somebody nearly sixty-two years old you would expect them to have a little common sense.

Talking about myself.

Had a pipe crack in my little bathroom off the master bedroom. Went to pee at 3:00 one morning and stepped in water. That is never good. Had to tear up the wood flooring. Since then I have done every single thing wrong! EVERY SINGLE THING. Have broke tools. Cut flooring wrong. Spilled paint in the bedroom. Ruined good paint brushes. Chipped the bathtub with a dropped drill. Broke pipes and sprayed water on the subfloor after spending a week drying it out.

I stepped on the wax ring after removing the commode with my BARE FOOT! GAG..!!

After finally getting the vanity installed this afternoon I was applying caulk to it to hold the sink. Kept squeezing the trigger of the caulk gun but nothing was coming out. So I continued to squeeze harder. The tube was split and the adhesive was dripping on the floor I had spent two days installing.

Taking me three weeks to do a one week job. And I'm not finished yet.

Wife doesn't even laugh anymore. She just says, "poor baby", and leaves the room (to laugh where I can't hear her).

Anybody else ever have a project like that??

   / I am ticked..!!!! #2  
I never make misteaks.

   / I am ticked..!!!! #3  
Murphey's Law at work. Anything that can go wrong will go wrong. Murphey was a very pessimistic but honest guy...

Hang in there. You'll get it...
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   / I am ticked..!!!! #4  
I never do anything right the first time. But I learn from my mistakes unless I forget what I learned. Then maybe I do something right the second time. By the time I am on my third, I am thinking "this seems familiar". :D

A "perfect" job that was hired out does not have the satisfaction of a job done by yourself, even if a correctable error or two exists.

Don't sweat it. A toilet overflow is part of life. Shiit happens.
   / I am ticked..!!!! #5  
I never make misteaks.


I worked on my haybine last summer for about 8 hours one day and nearly killed myself, (not kidding) to make an adjustment that should have taken 20 minutes at the most.
In the end I got the job done and I'm still alive.:)
DSCN1985.JPG Here's the haybine in action.
   / I am ticked..!!!! #6  
Uhhh yeh pretty much every one I do. I have coined the phrase if there is a hard way to do it, I'll find it but I'll get er done. You got it done didn't you? That's what matters :thumbsup:
   / I am ticked..!!!! #7  
Wait until you hit 73, you young whipper snapper. I've long forgotten what "experience" has tried to teach me. However, I do know that any project will teach three things.
#1 - once you grasp the magnitude of the project, it becomes a whole lot less important than you originally thought
#2 - doing the project over & over teaches you, ultimately, the best & correct way it should have been done the first time
#3 - forgetfulness allows you to only remember the joys of project completion
   / I am ticked..!!!! #8  
Oh. That kind of 'ticked'.

I thought you'd been bit somewhere, ah, on your person.

Why don't you and the Mrs. just take a little vacatio... Oh, right, that didn't go so well either did it.
   / I am ticked..!!!! #9  
Do it often enough and you will get it right and then promptly forget how you did it.:)