I think I got it.......

   / I think I got it....... #1  


Veteran Member
Jul 4, 2003
Central VA, USA
Mahindra 6000 MWFD, 2 1950's Farmalls, 1974 Farmall 140, 1967 Mf 135Delux
Just a note...my 135 with the Cont. 4 cyl engine has been a great tractor for the 3 or 4 years I've had it...starts on the first crank every time...well, about a week ago it started to "spit"/"sputter" a tad when load was applied for over 20 or so seconds (it seemed anyway)...it seems to have gotten worse in the last few days...since it was 14 degrees F here yesterday morning (the 135 is in a basement garage so its sorta warm there), I decided to figure out what was the issue..(Note: I've never had to adjust/change anything on this tractor since I've had it)...I popped the dist. cap off and checked the points, they were about 2 thous. out so I reset them...NO CHANGE dang it...next I checked all the spark plug wires for resistance, and changed all the plugs....NO CHANGE dang it....this morning (its about 45 degrees today), I decided to clean out the carb, cut off the gas at the tank, undid the drain on the bottom of the card (MS 882 carb), then undid the gas line and took out the brass connector with the strainer in it...I did not notice anything that seemed out of place or the least bit dirty/fouled up...anyway, turned on the compressor and shot 125psi into the brass strainer just in case there was something at the "L" that I couldn't see...put it all back together turned on the gas, fired it up and let it idle for 5 minutes or so...took it down the hill and turned around and ran it up to about 1500 rpm (this is where it would start to sputter) and came back up the hill...seems to be OK now...don't want to do that again...Sorry for the long rant, but just venting...I'll let Y'all know if it takes anything else to keep it right. BobG in VA
   / I think I got it.......
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That wasn't it DANG IT! I throttled it up later today to 2000rpm (this is right below high idle) and ran it around...it sounds like it sometimes backfires thru the exhaust..says its getting gas thru to me, but wondering if maybe the condenser is blowing out at the higher rpms...it idles perfectly and starts perfectly...any ideas out there?? BobG in VA
   / I think I got it....... #3  
Sounds like a fuel issue to me. How far did you get into the carb..?? Could be a speck of something in the main jet. Did you remove the discharge nozzle from the carb. and check to see if the little cross drilled holes are plugged..??
   / I think I got it....... #4  
I should have also mentioned, about giving it some choke when it starts to sputter, and see if that makes a difference.
   / I think I got it....... #5  
Probably condenser, and points as well.
   / I think I got it.......
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Well, I really did get this time....seems when I took the tractor to have fluid put in the new rear tire (I had to leave the tractor for a couple of days), someone put about a tablespoon of steel drill shavings in the tank...after bringing it home a couple of days later was when this started...used an extendable magnet to get some out after spotting it with a high intensity flashlight thru the gas cap filler hole. Had to re-start the compressor, only ran it up to 40psi, and shot quick hits thru the gas line that connects to the carb..did this about 6 times, not hearing anything that sounded like it was impeding the air, I stuck the magnet down in there one last time and got a small amount out again, including a small birdshot sized pellet that was ferous as it came out with the magnet...Put everything back together and ran it for about 20 minutes with no issues...did it again later and its seems to be OK...Ooooohhh... if I ever find out who tried to "poison" my baby...look out.... BobG in VA
   / I think I got it....... #7  
Not sure why people do that kind of thing. Total lack of respect...
   / I think I got it....... #8  
I definitely wouldn't take it back to that shop, around here a similar thing happened and the next month the shop was closed because everyone found out what happened.

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