If there are aliens, what will they look like?

   / If there are aliens, what will they look like? #491  
I'm up for a road trip. Care to meet me at the point of Know Return?
Careful...There be dragons out there...plus when you get to the edge, there is one h*** of a curb!
   / If there are aliens, what will they look like?
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While we have many,many pictures and videos showing a spherical Earth, never has a flat earther produced a picture of the edge. I would have thought by now at least a couple of those intrepid souls would have ventured to the edge and gotten some visual evidence.
You know what they say, if you don't have pictures, it never happened.
   / If there are aliens, what will they look like? #493  
While we have many,many pictures and videos showing a spherical Earth, never has a flat earther produced a picture of the edge. I would have thought by now at least a couple of those intrepid souls would have ventured to the edge and gotten some visual evidence.
You know what they say, if you don't have pictures, it never happened.
Here's some fake photos...

   / If there are aliens, what will they look like?
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Have you read the book "The Naked Ape"? I read it many, many years ago and thoroughly enjoyed. It's basically about how the modern human came to possess the body and skills he has, and also how his sexuality, coupled with culture and child raising, fits into the scheme. Example...we are the "naked ape" because of our evolution as a hunter; the lack of hair is a temperature regulating adaption for running long distances chasing game.
Has anyone read Richard Dawkins' book "The Ancestor's Tale"?
A bit of a tome, but well worth the read. It chronicles life on Earth from microbes to humans and all the branches in between.
   / If there are aliens, what will they look like? #495  
While we have many,many pictures and videos showing a spherical Earth, never has a flat earther produced a picture of the edge. I would have thought by now at least a couple of those intrepid souls would have ventured to the edge and gotten some visual evidence.
You know what they say, if you don't have pictures, it never happened.
I suspect that the current from all of that water falling off the edge is so strong that no boat can keep from going over with it. I've heard that's where Amelia Earhart really met her demise.
   / If there are aliens, what will they look like? #496  
My interpretation of the original question .


  • aliens 2016.JPG
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   / If there are aliens, what will they look like? #497  
I suspect that the current from all of that water falling off the edge is so strong that no boat can keep from going over with it. I've heard that's where Amelia Earhart really met her demise.
I've wondered why the water would "fall" off the world's edge. Gravity being what it is and all. i.e. fiction.

Maybe it's true, "There is no gravity, the world just sucks."
   / If there are aliens, what will they look like? #498  
I've wondered why the water would "fall" off the world's edge. Gravity being what it is and all. i.e. fiction.

Maybe it's true, "There is no gravity, the world just sucks."
Good point, I hadn't thought of that. It's a good thing that I didn't become a scientist.
   / If there are aliens, what will they look like? #499  
Regarding travel to the edge of the world. The only thing I have seen presented is that "We can't go there".
Something about a "no go zone" enforced by "governments" in order to keep some terrible mystery "hidden". It sure seems like a big perimeter to keep sealed up.

To bring this post on topic, It has been proposed that the hidden mystery is ALIENS!

Full circle! ;-)

I do find it very interesting that if "going to the edge of space", all directions will take one BACK in time.

It's not like "The big bang" happened in one spot, and if you look back to the spot you look back in time. and looking the opposite way looks ahead. Rather, the BANG happened EVERYWHERE (or nowhere) and all directions look back in time. **
Just like "all directions look away from the center of a flat earth. Even if some journeys would first pass over and through the center to get to the other side.

I'm working on a method to produce a very deep hole. The Mohorovsiic and beyond. A flat earth must have a thickness. I just want to know what that is. I'm thinking LASER ABLATION will be the tool of choice. Self cauterizing and all that. I'm a bit ambivalent about breaking through the far side. What if all the air got sucked out of this side????
Heck, If it doesn't work out after going in a dozen kilometers or so, I'll put a cover on the hole and use it for trash disposal. ;-)

** (Note to self. Set clocks tonight. DST never sleeps)