Impact and Torque Wrenches

   / Impact and Torque Wrenches
  • Thread Starter

Amazing isnt it. This all started because I was asking how to get my mower blades off. Now it's been escalated: theologically, to a Thomistic proof of God through a First Torque argument; and scientifically, back to the wrenching moment of the Big Impact.
   / Impact and Torque Wrenches #82  
Hey....don't worry about it....I'm just teasin' /w3tcompact/icons/smile.gif

   / Impact and Torque Wrenches #83  
Just my opinion...but I'm pretty sure God didn't need a Torque wrench to create anything! /w3tcompact/icons/wink.gif/w3tcompact/icons/smile.gif

   / Impact and Torque Wrenches #84  
Mike, Let us know how this turns out. I don't think you can buy a new pressure washer (good one not a plastic marvel Karcher from discount house) under $450 leaving zero in budget for portable generator. If the gen and washer were supposed to be used together then you have a tough row to hoe. The gen and washer would be small and ineffectual units for $450 new for both. Shopping used, who knows, you might pull it off. Maybe go for the one with highest priority and try to budget the other later. It is rarely a good deal to buy too cheap and end up with poor performance, short life, maint headaches, difficult parts availability etc. Every time I try to pull 10 pounds of utility out of a 5 lb bag I get another lesson in reality.

Good luck,

   / Impact and Torque Wrenches #85  
Jim, Good stuff but maybe a caveat to go with the admonition to hang out at a local shop for tips.

Many "good ole boys" have very BAD safety practices and bad shop practices too. Don't want a newbie sticking lug nuts in the impact tool and jamming the tool in the general direction of the stud then hitting the go button till it stops spinnin'. Cross threading happens but may not be noticed by a neophyte operator, at least in time to help matters.

Learn it right: Hand start nuts and bolts T H E N use the air tool. Adjust the air/torque setting to the lowest compatible with the job at hand.

Avoid the good-ole-boy one setting fits all (max setting).

And on and on...

   / Impact and Torque Wrenches #86  
RPM, (remember this smiley-face throughout /w3tcompact/icons/smile.gif );

Well, no one could call your fancy-dancer obfuscations "mumbling"! /w3tcompact/icons/shocked.gif
But they could be described as descriptions of some of the "mysterious ways" often mentioned when no answer is available.

<font color=blue>Rocks I don't think would be a problem. You and me are supposed to be able to handle mountains: ..etc</font color=blue>

The quotes do not apply. The issue is not what you or I can do, with-or-without faith. The puzzle has a simple issue, relating to omnipotence. To stay with the stated problem; can a supreme all-powerful being create something so large, (symbolically. a ''rock") that he cannot "lift" it.

Obviously, being all-powerful this being should be able to create it . He should then be able to lift it. which would show that He had failed to create the "unliftable" rock, proving that He is not all-powerful.

On the other hand, if He succeeds in making it too heavy for Him to lift, His failing to be able to lift it again proves fallibilty.

Both cases are incompatible with the "given" powers.

There is no answer to be had, of course, ...the entertainment-value of this puzzle lies in observing the reactions to its being posed.

<font color=blue>we need to look at the wider problem</font color=blue>

Which, of course, insures that we won't look at the narrower one! /w3tcompact/icons/wink.gif

Just tryin to have a little fun, ...when I conceded to being outgunned by the "math-types" on this list, I should have included astro-physicists /w3tcompact/icons/tongue.gif .

Interesting stuff, though!

   / Impact and Torque Wrenches #87  

No sweat - I enjoy puzzles. This reminds me of the passage from Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy about the Babel Fish. Have you read it?

(The Babel Fish is a parasitic creature that feeds off brainwaves. The tremendous advantage of having one in your ear is that it instantly translates any language into your native tongue.)

<font color=blue>"I refuse to prove that I exist," says God, "for proof denies faith, and without faith I am nothing."
"But" says Man, "the Babel fish is a dead giveaway, isn't it? It could not have evolved by chance. It proves you exist, and so therefore, by your own arguments, you don't. QED"
"Oh dear,' says God, 'I hadn't thought of that,' and promptly vanishes in a puff of logic." </font color=blue>

A great series of books if you haven't read them. Judging by the humor on TBN many of you would like them! /w3tcompact/icons/smile.gif

   / Impact and Torque Wrenches #89  
(The Babel Fish is a parasitic creature that feeds off brainwaves. The tremendous advantage of having one in your ear is that it instantly translates any language into your native tongue.)

In a later passage of the book it is mentioned that the Babel Fish's ability to instantly translate varied languages had led to more war and destruction that any other single thing in the known galaxy.

It is a good book. I will second RPM's recommendation.
   / Impact and Torque Wrenches #90  
...and if the nut comes off everytime you press the trigger on the impact wrench, you probably need to press that other little shiny round...thingy...ahh button...and try again. Have we talked about forward and reverse yet? A neophyte needs to learn about EVERYTHING. Of course, being training professionals, we knew that. ...did the task analysis.../w3tcompact/icons/wink.gif/w3tcompact/icons/smile.gif
