That's an interesting site, nice to get some real world information instead of "epa estimated". The only problem I have with it is that the overwhelming majority of people I talk to don't check their mileage properly. I don't know about everyone else, but I fill the tank, drive, fill again (without topping off either time) and see how many gallons it took to go that many miles... pretty simple if you ask me. I have heard so many people using the gauge... well I went 200 miles on a half tank and it's a 26 gallon tank so.... Or even better when I hear people say how great their vehicle is on gas because it is only $30 bucks to fill and it lasts them 2 weeks- what is that supposed to tell them?:confused3: My old truck takes about $100-$150 to fill from empty, but it might last 2 or 3 months sometimes because I hardly drive it... it must be awesome!
Realistically it averages about 11 mpg.