Is it just in my area?

   / Is it just in my area?
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Wished we had that problem down here
   / Is it just in my area? #12  
Several new buildings in this area. City and water districts upgrading facilities. Road and Bridge building everywhere. Most infrastructure had been neglected for years. Between I-5 and the Coast five bridges have been replaced in the last 5 years. Four major bridges and overpasses on I-5 will be completed next year. These were badly needed due to increased traffic.

The community College is completing a Wine Institute Building. Most of the money for that project was from private funds. A new Bond issue for the Community College will increase building and remodel funds for the Nursing and Fire Science programs. Those buildings are too small and are from the 60's.

Real Estate sales are getting better but the overall prices are still low. The contractor that built my house in 2005 hasn't slowed down. Same with the Pole Barn contractor. There are some that have had a hard time but they were used to building mega houses.

When I called my rock hauler for 10 or 20 yards of gravel he said I would have to wait 2 weeks. That was three weeks ago.