Is this a fox den?

   / Is this a fox den? #51  
To me, Foxes are one of those magical, sneaky creatures that you should feel lucky to catch a glimpse of. They are small predators and will hardly make a dent in your bird populations, IMO. Please don't trap and kill them inhumanely unless you know for a FACT that they are eating your livestock or causing other specific issues.

Over in southern Michigan, our wild animal populations are changing also. The explosion of deer is a real problem lately. On my 13 mile commute to work through semi-rural/suburban areas, I pass at least a dozen dead deer laying on the side of the road (why does no one pick them up anymore?) and it seems a new one gets hit almost every day by some unlucky driver.
Coyote pack seems stable in my area, they come down into my block about every other week and howl and sing as the amtrack train honks it's way through town.
Mink are thriving in all the waterways here too.
So how rare is it for you to feel lucky? I take it I'm in an area that is overrun with seeing about 1 a week on average.
   / Is this a fox den? #52  
In my woods I've only seen a fox a few times in 10 years now. Quite rare. I certainly realize it may be quite common for other folks.
   / Is this a fox den? #53  
In my woods I've only seen a fox a few times in 10 years now. Quite rare. I certainly realize it may be quite common for other folks.
Rare to see here. But when I put a wifi camera under the house to learn what sounds like it will chew its way up through the floor, that revealed a fox, and lots of other critters - raccoons, skunk, housecats, birds - are frequent visitors.

A neighbor just lost a chicken. There were feathers everywhere. We suspect the fox.

This corresponds to what my friend at F&G said: foxes often quietly live close to people and she gets lots of calls about fox dens under people's porches.

So maybe they are out there after all.
   / Is this a fox den? #54  
This time of year the females are looking for places to den up, if they haven’t done so already.
They can’t go as far looking for food, so may be a bit more opportunistic.
   / Is this a fox den? #55  
Ticks have become more of a problem because few people burn like they used to, Farmers burned feilds every yr , Others would burn woodlots my father included always had a fire going somewhere, Deer and turkey populations have risen from being managed for decades, numbers in many areas are more than hunters take, I am allowed 6 deer on my farm but have never taken more than two, turkey population has actually been going down since the late 80s , Predation and wet springs are very hard on them, If all wildlife is not managed properly it always affects another species, I see foxes occasionally But in the last few yrs i am seeing bobcats quite often.
   / Is this a fox den? #56  
Growing up here in the 70’s there were still enough quail to hunt a bit. About the only ones now are the ‘escapees’ from the quail hunting plantations. They don’t seem to live long having been pen raised with little natural instincts. My BIL and his hunting partner buy 50 at a time about twice a week during hunting season. Spin them in a sack, turn them loose, and then give them a 20 minute head start. $4 each.
   / Is this a fox den? #57  
In my woods I've only seen a fox a few times in 10 years now. Quite rare.
I don't think seeing them equates to being rare. We had several chickens taken, with a game cam verifying was a fox. I've seen a dozen foxes in a lifetime. As far as the op's unknown burrow - back when I was a kid, I would set traps by holes in the fields just to see what I would catch. One time I came up over a hill and saw what had been a small mound was now a giant excavation the size of a tractor tire - with a badger in the center - having removed everything but the stake. I've seen two badgers, ever. They are all around us.
   / Is this a fox den? #58  
Ground nesting game and song bird populations have been greatly depleted by feral cats...
Feral cats are a crime against nature and IMO there should be a nation wide bounty on them and no restrictions on how they are killed...!
   / Is this a fox den? #59  
Ground nesting game and song bird populations have been greatly depleted by feral cats...
Feral cats are a crime against nature and IMO there should be a nation wide bounty on them and no restrictions on how they are killed...!
Nah, we just live trap, neuter, and release them to go on killing.

I never could understand the concept of live trapping. If it's a nuisance now, it's going to be as long as it's breathing.
   / Is this a fox den?
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Yesterday I threw a couple ground hog smoke bombs down hole then quickly shoveled dirt over it. So far so good, nothing has been back, if it was in apparently dead or out it moved away which is good.
Neighbors cat comes over here which is great, haven't seen one mouse, mole or chewed wires house, garage, shed or horse stable.