is this crabgrass? or something else

   / is this crabgrass? or something else #11  
the way I look at it is that if it's green and it's in my lawn it's good. Regular grass turns brown most summers but the other stuff doesn't.
   / is this crabgrass? or something else #12  
its looks a little like what we call 'wire grass' around here.. which is a cousin of bermuda grass

when you let it grow to tall ours get that head on it..


What I call wire grass has a creeping habit (like bermuda). Without a scale, it's hard to tell how tall the grass is, but it appears to have a more upright growth habit than what is called wire grass in my area.

Johnson grass. Fairly easy to kill out.
You want to get rid of it if you have horses.

It's hard to tell from the photo, but the seed heads don't look like Johnson grass seed heads to my eye.

   / is this crabgrass? or something else #13  
My crabgrass grows low to the ground... usually has bent joints every so far [ does not grow straight anywhere ].. Just starting to come out now, and will get real thick before you blink your eyes much.... So thick it will take over until the first frosts...
   / is this crabgrass? or something else #14  
It's brown top millet.
   / is this crabgrass? or something else #15  
Can someone please help identify this weed/grass. Is it crabgrass?


Looks just like the salad bar at the vegan restaurant....
   / is this crabgrass? or something else
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Thanks for all the replies.

I sprigged Jiggs bermuda in the spring. The Jiggs was looking great with all the rain but my plowing had awakened every Johnsongrass seed in the county. I shredded the field beginning of June, waited three weeks, and drove up with the tractor and sprayer and noticed a new grass (in the picture) along with the Johnsongrass. I sprayed Outrider to kill the Jonsongrass but Outrider is fairly limited to what else it kills.

After doing research from y'alls inputs, it looks like the grass is browntop millet (also called browntop panicum). Pastora is labeled for browntop panicum but I can't spray until the Jiggs is a year old.

thanks again. Joseph
   / is this crabgrass? or something else #19  
Thanks for all the replies.

I sprigged Jiggs bermuda in the spring. The Jiggs was looking great with all the rain but my plowing had awakened every Johnsongrass seed in the county. I shredded the field beginning of June, waited three weeks, and drove up with the tractor and sprayer and noticed a new grass (in the picture) along with the Johnsongrass. I sprayed Outrider to kill the Jonsongrass but Outrider is fairly limited to what else it kills.

After doing research from y'alls inputs, it looks like the grass is browntop millet (also called browntop panicum). Pastora is labeled for browntop panicum but I can't spray until the Jiggs is a year old.

thanks again. Joseph

Yep, that's it. I did research on it back when I first moved here. I had a 5 acre low-lying section that was basically just weeds. I plowed, limed, fed and waited for the first sign of rain to seed SunGrazer. The rain was more of a sprinkle...then nothing for months. When it did finally rain, the only thing that came up was browntop millet. My ag extension guy said that our area used to be planted for grains and I probably awakened the millet.

Tough to get rid of.