JD 3038E vs Kubota L3200

   / JD 3038E vs Kubota L3200 #41  
Where is LS built GmanBart? Just curious. It did play into what I purchased. The options here are pretty much Korean, Japanese, or Indian. (Branson,Deere,Kubota, NewHolland, and Mahindra). I really liked the Branson the best. But the dealer network scared me off.

With the possible exception of a few of their larger models, all of the LS machines sold in the U.S. are made in Korea. They have a factory in China, and one in Brazil, but those machines aren't imported here.

I'm not sure about the larger machines because at least the P series have Fiat engines, and while LS makes smaller machines for Case/IH/NH (under 50hp), LS buys larger machines from Case/IH/NH that they export to other countries. One of these days I'm going to stop and look at the data plate on the P-series at the local dealer to see what it shows as an origin....okay, and to drool a little bit too!
   / JD 3038E vs Kubota L3200 #42  
The machine that comes to mind is an LS R3039H (hydro).
GManBart, Thank you, very much for your detailed reply. I am shopping for my first tractor, and the amount of things that I do not know is pretty intimidating! My research was pointing me towards LS with respect to "value for the money" at least as far as capability/specs I had reviewed were concerned, but it helps to know I may be on the right track when someone with knowledge and experience will confirm some of what I was thinking.
   / JD 3038E vs Kubota L3200 #43  
For those of you with L3200 HSTs and the 2400rpm PTO marks, I'll happily stand corrected if it was indeed a publishing error, but another possibility is your tractors have tach boards installed that were intended for the gear'd tractor model. You may want to consult Kubota to be sure.

   / JD 3038E vs Kubota L3200 #44  
Thanks for the reply GMan. I was afraid that my question might have sounded insulting. Sometimes it is hard to make out the tone of what is said over a keyboard. I am going to have to find somewhere that sells the LS just so I can see in person what they are. A lot of the Kubota/Deere/LS/ whatever seems to be the Ford/ Chevy type thing. You know, my dad can whip your dad :>). I love these tractors and have much use and fun from them. My only rock solid advise to someone wanting a new tractor is to get one large enough both in power and weight the first time around. Somehow they shrink when you start working them. I love the HST since I do a ton of earthwork and it is so much better than a geared machine for that. And power is useless without enough weight to give you traction. That is my first strike against the Deere IMHO. Second strike was I want to add a hoe and the aluminum casting makes me nervous for that use. His uses may never bump up against the stress I put on these machines. But whatever he decides, all of these "name brand" tractors are damned dependable and much more pleasant to use than they use to be. Step through chassis and HST comes immediately to mind. Sure am looking forward to seeing what he decides on and how it works for him.
   / JD 3038E vs Kubota L3200
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Priced a LS G3033H for $16,900 and G3038H for $17,900. Was excited about the prices and capabilities of the machines, compared to the others. I asked about financing, he said 5%. I mentioned 0% being run by other companies, he said I could get it, but it would add about $4000 to the price. So much for LS. Really liked what I read about them, but I am not holding $20,000 cash right now.
   / JD 3038E vs Kubota L3200 #46  
Where is LS built GmanBart? Just curious. It did play into what I purchased. The options here are pretty much Korean, Japanese, or Indian. (Branson,Deere,Kubota, NewHolland, and Mahindra). I really liked the Branson the best. But the dealer network scared me off.

The Std L Kubota is built @ KMA in Georgia. Not assembled, Built.
   / JD 3038E vs Kubota L3200 #47  
The Std L Kubota is built @ KMA in Georgia. Not assembled, Built.

Does Kubota have a foundry in Georgia?

Your comment disagrees with what Kubota has published:

Due to our rapid growth, in September 2005 a new company called Kubota Industrial Equipment Corporation (KIE) was opened a short distance away in Jefferson, Georgia. KIE now manufactures all tractor implements and performs reassembly of Kubota tractors built in Japan for sale in the U.S. markets.
   / JD 3038E vs Kubota L3200 #48  
Priced a LS G3033H for $16,900 and G3038H for $17,900. Was excited about the prices and capabilities of the machines, compared to the others. I asked about financing, he said 5%. I mentioned 0% being run by other companies, he said I could get it, but it would add about $4000 to the price. So much for LS. Really liked what I read about them, but I am not holding $20,000 cash right now.

I test drove the G3038H and it was a nice machine. It was $16,500 here with FEL.
   / JD 3038E vs Kubota L3200 #49  
The Std L Kubota is built @ KMA in Georgia. Not assembled, Built.
Not sure if that's accurate. I had read that Kubota was designing & planning to build a factory in California, to build compact tractors, but that it would not be built or ready until 2014. I had additionally read that, like many of the other tractor companies, Kubota's were still "built" in Japan, and final assembly took place here, whether at the US sites, or at the dealerships. I know my local Kubota dealership has crates of Kubota tractors without loaders, wheels, etc --- and they put them together.
   / JD 3038E vs Kubota L3200 #50  
Not sure if that's accurate. I had read that Kubota was designing & planning to build a factory in California, to build compact tractors, but that it would not be built or ready until 2014. I had additionally read that, like many of the other tractor companies, Kubota's were still "built" in Japan, and final assembly took place here, whether at the US sites, or at the dealerships. I know my local Kubota dealership has crates of Kubota tractors without loaders, wheels, etc --- and they put them together.

You're right...it's not correct. The only tractors Kubota makes at KMA are the BX series machines. The KIE facility was reassembling the other lines (L, G, MX) that were made in Japan until last year. In April of 2012 an expansion of KIE was opened, and they've started making 30-50hp CUTs there, but it's not clear if that facility is up to 100% yet.

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