JD 997 ZTR vs 2520

   / JD 997 ZTR vs 2520 #1  


Veteran Member
Nov 2, 2003
Kilgore, Texas
JD 6400
I've been looking to replace my JD 4400 tractor with something that will be easier on the lawn and more maneuverable. I looked at a JD 997 diesel ZTR last week and was very impressed with the total package. It seems to be a very well engineered unit. Of course, the only thing you can do with it is mow. With the 72" 7 Iron deck it will mow some acreage in a hurry.

My other alternative is a 2520 with a 72" 7 Iron MMM. It's physically smaller than the 4400 but could do a lot of the jobs I currently use the 4400 for. I probably would decide on the 2520 but the fact it only has a high/low trans concerns me a little. I had a 4100 before the 4400 and it had a high/low hydro trans. The high side was too fast and the low side could have been a little faster. Ended up mowing in the low range with my foot flat on the floor. The trans on the 4100 always seemed to run too hot.

Anyone else trying to decide what to buy?
   / JD 997 ZTR vs 2520 #2  
Not to sound smart, but I have both.....kind of.

I have a 757 Z-Trak (gas 60" cut) and a 2520.

I have never done any finish mowing with the 2520 - just bush hog work. Other will have to chime in with how the 2 speed hydro works for mowing.

Do you have a mower on your 4400?

Maybe compromise - buy a left over 757, 777, or 797 - keep your 4400 = possibly trade in your current mower deck to help offset the cost.

When I bought my first Z-Trak, I was really torn about buying a gas unit as everything else I own is diesel. I soon got over it when seeing the outstanding performance of the Z-Trak. I started out 2 years ago with a 727A (23hp 54" cut), and just traded that in on a 757.

Also, don't get hung up on a 72" deck on a Z-Trak - a 60" Z-Trak will easily out mow a 72" deck on a compact utility!
   / JD 997 ZTR vs 2520 #3  
Jesse1, what other chores do you do with the 4400 other than mow? If you have a loader and get rid of it YOU WILL MISS IT! Might downsize to a 2305 with loader and get a gas Zero turn with a 60" deck. I run Exmarks with the 66" decks and love them. The main advantage to the 66" or 72" decks are the trimming ability. The decks stick out beyond the tire on the trim side. I still think you will miss the tractor if you get rid of it completely. Good luck!!

   / JD 997 ZTR vs 2520
  • Thread Starter
I don't have a loader on the 4400, my 6400 handles those jobs. The 4400 has a 60" MMM. When I bought the 4400 I intended to use it to pull a New Holland hay rake but I have upgraded to a large rake and I use the 6400 for all my hay duties.
The 4400 is used for mowing, post hole digging and putting out fertilizer with a 3pt mounted spreader, but mainly for finish mowing. It's really too large for finish mowing. A 2520 could do those jobs but I'm still on the fence about whether the ZTR would meet my needs better.
   / JD 997 ZTR vs 2520 #5  
Sounds like it all comes down to how much time you want to spend on mowing. If time is not a issue, I would go 2520 so you can use it for other things.
   / JD 997 ZTR vs 2520 #6  
The ZTR (with just a 60" deck) will cut your mowing time way down--maybe by 1/2, depends on your terrain etc. Some of the ZTR will be able to pull a cart (maybe the spreader depending on how heavy--I would think the 997 would be better at this than the 757 I have--check with the dealer). I have found over time that mowing with the ZTR is just easier and faster (had 2210 and 2520 with mower decks) and since you have the larger tractor to handle the other "tractor" chores looks like it makes more sense?
   / JD 997 ZTR vs 2520 #7  
I was in a very similar position a couple of years ago. Traded my 870 with an 84" finish mower for the 997. The 997 is an awesome machine. Not having the tractor that summer was tuff. But in the long run it all turned out good because early next spring I was in a position to get another tractor. So now I have both. Wife thinks I'm crazy but thats OK.
   / JD 997 ZTR vs 2520 #8  
Since you already have a bigger tractor, and the 2305 an 2320 are better mowing machines than the 2520 (from what I've read), why not a 2305 or 2320 instead of the 2520?

Also, if you are only going to be using it for mowing, why not get a dedicated mowing machine and use the bigger tractor for tractor stuff? Do you have tight areas that need to accessed?
   / JD 997 ZTR vs 2520 #9  
I am thinking about gettign a gator for the kids to drive around while they are doing their mulching and grounds keeping work. But I am also thinking of trading my 4310 in something smaller or larger (with a cab), but have not made the move yet. If I had two tractors and one was large I would probably trade the smaller on in on an even smaller for mowing or the ZTR. Only thing i have heard that would be bothersome for me on the ZTR is that there is a high amount of debris dust that gets all over you - dunno if that is true but that has been tosed around on the forums.
   / JD 997 ZTR vs 2520 #10  
Never had any debris on me after mowing with my ZTR......

Unless of course your discharge is pointing into a 40mph wind!

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