
Veteran Member
Jun 3, 2006
Wheeling, WV
2006 JD 3520 w/cab & 300CX loader. 1995 JD 870 w/440 loader & 8b backhoe.JD 455 w/54" mower deck.
CRUNCH! I was out plowing today for my wife to get to work.It's a steep hill about 1/2 mile from the house. Sometimes the State Road doesn't get to it until later in the day. The State guys always thank me for clearing the snow off the hill and making it passable for vehicles. Well today I had made one pass down the hill and was making a return pass up the hill, when I got to the steepest part of the hill I lost traction and slid back a few feet. I was just starting to try and turn around and head back down the hill for another attempt when a neighbor crested the hill in his Chevy Suburban in a sideways skid. It looked like he was going 30 mph. Since I was starting a turn I was at a slight angle on the road. The Suburban was now almost broadside in the road and coming fast at me. BAM, the side of his vehicle struck the front blade first, then slammed into the landscape rake on the rear. The impact spun me around like a top and I ended up in the roadside ditch. The Suburban continued down the road in a sideways slide going over a steep embankment and slamming into a tree. I bailed out of the tractor and ran over to the Suburban to check on the driver.
I opened the door and he said he was OK and wanted to know if I was OK also. I then went back up to my tractor and got it out of the ditch and drove it to the bottom of the hill where I parked it in a safe area off to the side of the icy road. I was affraid if I left it on the road another driver might do a repeat of what just happened. The neighbor called 911 and the Sheriff's Dept. headed for the accident scene.
The Sheriffs department couldn't get up to the accident because the road was a sheet of ice now, so they just blocked both ends of the hill to keep anyone else from attempting the hill either up or down.
Two hours later and two tow trucks later the Suburban was back up on the road. Looked like it was a total loss to me. Severe damage to the whole right side from impacting the tractor and then the tree.
I then took inventory on what damage was done to my tractor. Left draft arm snapped in two pieces, $200.00. Left side hood panel cracked,$260.00. ehydro decal, $2.85. 390 front blade frame bent, $595.00.
Total damage, $1,057.85 Experience...............priceless!
I've traveled County roads for over 13 years plowing snow or traveling to places to plow snow and it has always been in the back of mind about a motor vehicle hitting me on the tractor. Bad things happen fast. The best thing is no one was hurt or killed. It will probably be the last time I plow that hill. Its just not worth the risk. I know I broke a Cardinal Rule here on TBN.................sorry I don't have any pics!

Sincerely, Dirt
Dirt; Sorry to hear about your bit of bad luck... Glad to hear that you're OK and that the other fellow is OK, too!

And of course, that your sweet, cab JD3520 only suffered a sprained wrist and twisted ankle.

My wife is always after me to STOP plowing our road!!! There's lot's of hair-brained kids that live around here and they all drive like their gonads have displaced whatever gray matter they had in the first place!

I only do it now on my way over and back to plow out a couple of neighbor's who are 1.) recovering from a motorcyle/car accident and 2.) single mom who armwrestle's with the mice for the last slice of bread each month.

Best of luck fixin' up your tractor. You'll be playin' in the dirt in no time.

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AK, thanks for the thoughts. Thats a good one about suffering the sprained wrist and twisted ankle, I liked that one. I am guilty about traveling to a couple of elderly people to plow their driveways out and will continue to do so. Just going to stay off the big hill. It could have been a lot worse for me and the tractor. I got off easy on this one. I would have hate to of thought if he had hit me head on as fast as he was sliding.

Sincerley, Dirt
Glad you're ok. These things happen very, very fast. A family friend (he is handicapped) rolled his 2004 Ford E-150 van today on slick roads. He had just got on to the freeway and was only doing 35-40 when the back end just gave way. He said he hit like a valley, the van caught and flipped. Luckily he was unhurt but the van is a total loss (he still had to be extricated). It landed on the roof.
Wow... that had to be quite a pucker factor when you saw that suburban coming at you sideways.

Glad everyone is ok and your machine isn't too messed up.
Dirt, thank god no one was hurt. When these things happen they go down hill fast. Your situation is my worst fear.

Matt T.;)
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I try to be always on the extra cautious side, but you just can't factor in that unknown Wildcard. Thats what gets you killed.

Sincerely, Dirt
Glad to hear no one was hurt. It'll make me reconsider my typical plowing of the 1/4 mile in front of my property, which the county takes 1-2 days to get to plowing after each snow. I don't have any blind hills nearby, but my road does have its fair share of idiots, both young and old (not implying that your neighbor is one).

Used to go to Olgleby (spelling?) Park when I was a teenager. I still remember how hilly that area is. Glad you are okay!
Glad to hear that you weren't hurt bad. It could have gotten ugly real fast.
Did you check the housing where the draft arm attaches to make sure it wasn't cracked?