John Deere GT275?

   / John Deere GT275? #1  


New member
Jul 26, 2006
What can anyone tell me about this tractor? For some reason, I can't find it listed anywhere on the Deere website under non-current equipment. What are the specs? Anyone have a review or comparison to something else?

The reason I'm asking is that there will be one at an estate auction near me next week. It has a 48 inch deck and blade/wheel weights. What sort of price range do these go in? I don't know the hours, I just have a newspaper listing for the auction.
   / John Deere GT275? #2  
We had a 1992 GT262 some years ago. It was a single cyl kawi 17hp, tuff-torq fender shift gear drive and a 48" deck (great machine). I *think* the GT275 is the same, but has a hydrostatic transaxle.
