Just joined the ranks of "official geezers....."

   / Just joined the ranks of "official geezers....." #51  
I started drawing mine at 62, I will be 67 in Dec. of this year I get 1799 a month after taxes,, I just ask my wife and she knows,, she gets her which is half of what I get,, she will be 65 in Sept. of this year.. I get my company retirement plus my company 401k,, plus my IRA,, plus two bales of hay from the ranch.. Lou
   / Just joined the ranks of "official geezers....." #52  
Congrats on the SS check......you deserve it! Becoming an old geezer is not a bad thing.....the alternative is much worse!:thumbsup:
   / Just joined the ranks of "official geezers....." #53  
Although all of the men in my family have died before they reached 80, I'm planning on pushing that envelope out another 20 years. Their deaths are all attributable to environmental and poor health care factors which I've been studiously avoiding my whole life. Which means I'm not planning on collecting SS until later. (Assuming it's still around in 15 years.)
   / Just joined the ranks of "official geezers....." #54  
Although all of the men in my family have died before they reached 80, I'm planning on pushing that envelope out another 20 years. Their deaths are all attributable to environmental and poor health care factors which I've been studiously avoiding my whole life. Which means I'm not planning on collecting SS until later. (Assuming it's still around in 15 years.)

Oh it will be around... although for us I believe every month we'll recieve a couple of books of gift certificates for "Happy Meals"! ;):D
   / Just joined the ranks of "official geezers....." #55  

Well after 36 years of paying into it, go get it back out!

I for one am not counting on it being there, and am massing resources and fortunes elsewhere to enjoy or giveth accordingly. If it is there, just another tool in the shed.

Wait just a minute Bill, think this out...Suppose you had paid all that money into a savings account or mutual fund over 36 yrs...don't you think you would have a ton of money in that account...You would not be happy if after 36 yrs. you went to cash out and found the bank or your stock was only going to return your principal...the amount you paid in...You deserve earnings on that money...So if the SS system is going broke it is because theives have stole our money...not for any other reason...don't you ever feel guilty taking your social security money...all the way to 120 yrs. old...

I hate it when folks attack the seniors by saying they are taking out more than they put in....WHAT ? Geeez, what bank do they put their money in to just hold for them and give them no return ?
   / Just joined the ranks of "official geezers....." #56  
LOL - You have been an old geezer for 22- years. :)

I'm a 12-year veteran. Best wishes for many more years of pulling the SS!
   / Just joined the ranks of "official geezers....." #57  
Welcome to the SS Club, if it's 'geezers' that we are!

But, know this: whether you've earned it or deserve it for what you've paid in, our government will hereafter officially refer to SS benefits received as your 'entitlement'. (One need not vote for 'change' to be on the receiving end of it, however short that end turns out to be.) Get it while you can ... :thumbsup:
   / Just joined the ranks of "official geezers....." #58  
Welcome to the SS Club, if it's 'geezers' that we are!

But, know this: whether you've earned it or deserve it for what you've paid in, our government will hereafter officially refer to SS benefits received as your 'entitlement'. (One need not vote for 'change' to be on the receiving end of it, however short that end turns out to be.) Get it while you can ... :thumbsup:
You know, I never made that connection. Between what you said and what Brin said, I won't feel so guilty going to sleep tonight. Not that I was going to feel guilty anyway, lol!
   / Just joined the ranks of "official geezers....." #59  
Depends on if you like the person or not...I have a 75 year old buddy who is a geezer, while I know a 59 year old fellow who is a jerk, so he is an old fart....

Sorry, wasn't trying to be offensive... that's always been a curiousity of mine starting when a child is born; i.e., "When does a "baby" become 'the boy", and how old is he before he graduates to "the young fella"? Or do I have the latter two backwards? :D sometimes I wonder why some people give their kids names. And so it goes right up through life until the titles are reversed... I have a 30 YO neighbor/coworker who has always called his father's wife by her first name... for years I didn't realize she was his mother.

OOPS, I digress and am hijacking this thread. Yet I did not mean to offend anyone by my 'old fart' comment... titles and unwanted nick names are just a peeve of mine.
   / Just joined the ranks of "official geezers....." #60  
I have a 30 YO neighbor/coworker who has always called his father's wife by her first name... for years I didn't realize she was his mother.

The father should have taught the son better! No matter the relationship, there is such a thing as manners and respect. The parents should have insisted on it.