I have a chance to get a Kubota L4701 with 72" FEL, Landpride 72" cutter, landpride 72" box blade and a trailer to haul it all in for $30K + tax.
This is to take care of about 60 acres in NW TN (Puryear. Rolling hills, meadows, and ponds). When I retire, I plan to garden (it's going to be a big garden), keep the property brush hogged, do general maintenance and improvement on it, that sort of thing. IF (big if) things fall right, maybe start cutting and bailing some of the meadows for hay for my own cattle, and sell the remainder. (I know, probably not profitable).
1) Is this the right size for this? Too big? Too small? My basic estimate was about 35hp minimum, and I jumped a couple of sizes due to my own ignorance.
2) Is this a good deal? It seems so to me, but, ignorance again.
Any other comments would be welcomed. Thanks for your input!
This is to take care of about 60 acres in NW TN (Puryear. Rolling hills, meadows, and ponds). When I retire, I plan to garden (it's going to be a big garden), keep the property brush hogged, do general maintenance and improvement on it, that sort of thing. IF (big if) things fall right, maybe start cutting and bailing some of the meadows for hay for my own cattle, and sell the remainder. (I know, probably not profitable).
1) Is this the right size for this? Too big? Too small? My basic estimate was about 35hp minimum, and I jumped a couple of sizes due to my own ignorance.
2) Is this a good deal? It seems so to me, but, ignorance again.
Any other comments would be welcomed. Thanks for your input!