Kubota or John Deer

   / Kubota or John Deer #141  
So, here’s the thing. . . I ALWAYS read posts in numerous threads that say, “No matter what brand you buy, just make sure the dealer is reputable with a ’good’ and ’accommodating’ service department.” So I gotta ask, as a new tractor buyer as of Dec 2019, how the heck am I able to know those things for a fact. You could deal with the sales guy or gal and have a wonderful experience and go back and talk to the service folks and have a great experience, but until something like this happens (mx842’s experience), you have No Idea about the true colors of the dealership. And Now, mx842 has to deal with being “That Guy” when he calls or walks into the dealership for something. mx842, Good On You for expecting and demanding “Responsible” service from the dealership. C’mon Man! ! ! after spending $30,000 and only having 22 hours on the machine, those Yahoos should have said, “Oh My Gosh Mr. mx842 We are So Sorry; we will send somebody out Right Now to assess it, and bring it back here for service if necessary.” So his Dealership did what they should have, but only because he dug his heals in and pressed them on it.

Since I bought my machine, I have not had any issues. I certainly hope this is a one-off and it is the last time you have to service your machine for a long time.
   / Kubota or John Deer #142  
Just heard that John Deere will be changing their color schemes of their tractors in 2024. The corp offices did some group studies and found that most buyers refer their tractors in a red color. So starting in 2024, "John Deere" green is going to be retired, and there will be an ad campaigne around the new "John Deere," red. :)

Just cease your criminal mischief.
   / Kubota or John Deer #143  
Just heard that John Deere will be changing their color schemes of their tractors in 2024. The corp offices did some group studies and found that most buyers prefer their tractors in a red color. So starting in 2024, "John Deere" green is going to be retired, and there will be an ad campaigne around the new "John Deere," red. :)
That'll be the day.....
   / Kubota or John Deer #145  
   / Kubota or John Deer
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Ok, Tacticalturnip just for you. It's not a very good pic of the powerking because the sun got me. Nor the Kubota but I never claimed to be a photgrapher.


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   / Kubota or John Deer
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I called my salesman back this morning to see what they had to say about that big ol scratch on my hood. Of-course they were like sargent Schultz on Hogan's Heros, They knew nothing. I didn't want to argue about it because I wasn't for sure if it was there or not. All I'll say is I never noticed it before and don't remembering anything that could have made such a mark. I do know I had just wiped it down that morning to get the pollen off the hood and I didn't notice it then. I didn't really notice it until I got up on the tire and looked straight down. Once I did notice it I got on the ground on the right side and looked at it from there and sure enough I could see it bright as day. I was thinking that they may have popped the hood and it scraped along the brush guard on the front but after I looked at the manual to see how you got under the hood I see it swings the other way. I guess I'll just have to deal with it. Even if they had admitted having an accident I wouldn't have made them replace the hood, accidents do happen but a free service trip might not have been a bad idea.


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   / Kubota or John Deer #148  
That's absolutely frustrating; some will say 'what does it matter, it's a tractor' but I've never understood that mentality. It's a brand new item, purchased with your heard earned finances, why the hell shouldn't it be you to put the first scratch in it?

Nice tractor, though, and the same can be said of the Power King. It amazes me just how large they actually are.
   / Kubota or John Deer #149  
It’s like the first scratch on a brand new pair of boots. That first scuff always hurts the worst.
   / Kubota or John Deer
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That's absolutely frustrating; some will say 'what does it matter, it's a tractor' but I've never understood that mentality. It's a brand new item, purchased with your heard earned finances, why the hell shouldn't it be you to put the first scratch in it?

Nice tractor, though, and the same can be said of the Power King. It amazes me just how large they actually are.
Yeah that's what I told the salesman. On a tractor or any piece of equipment for that matter it's bound to get a bing bang on it sooner or later. Usually every scratch has a story to go along with it though. Sadly, there is no story to tell on this one, accept maybe it could be a mystery novel of the sort. I've been scratching all the hair off my head trying to fine something around here that could have made such a mark. Also, to make a mark like that someone would have had to know about it. The marks are to evenly spaced for something like gravel spilling out of the bucket because you didn't level the bucket while raising it. That's more or less the conclusion the guy at the shop came up with.
Yes those old tractors were built to last and for their size they could get a lot of work done. Maybe If I think about it i'll take one of them side by side today just for grins.