L5240/5740 Fender flairs/extensions

   / L5240/5740 Fender flairs/extensions #1  


Veteran Member
Dec 5, 2009
B3200, L5740,
Does anyone know if Kubota makes fender extensions/flairs for the L tractors?:confused:
They make them for the B3xxx and don't advertise the fact just wondering if the same is true for the GL's:confused:
   / L5240/5740 Fender flairs/extensions #2  
There is nothing in the US price book for them. A year or so ago I found that in Canada they do offer front fenders for them so you may have them available there.
   / L5240/5740 Fender flairs/extensions
  • Thread Starter
There is nothing in the US price book for them. A year or so ago I found that in Canada they do offer front fenders for them so you may have them available there.

The dealers seem kinda daft with this kind of stuff. I only heard about the fender extensions for the B3xx on this forum. Hoping that someone here might know if anything is out there.:D
   / L5240/5740 Fender flairs/extensions #4  
The dealers seem kinda daft with this kind of stuff. I only heard about the fender extensions for the B3xx on this forum. Hoping that someone here might know if anything is out there.:D

There's a member right here that has them on his L4240. He's also from Canada and might have some insight.

His username is 4shorts (aka Paul) Shoot him a pm :thumbsup:

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