Land Plane

   / Land Plane #1  


Veteran Member
Nov 30, 2002
East Concord, NY
John Deere 4320, Kubota BX2680
Hello all,

I have a driveway that always needs attention. I currently have a box blade to work with,
and was wondering if a land plane would do a better job? I don't have any experience with them.

Also would a small one work better for a driveway than a bigger one? I have two sized tractors.

   / Land Plane #2  
Get one about half your driveway width. Much larger or smaller makes it harder to maintain a crown for water drainage.

   / Land Plane #3  
After using a box blade for years, we bought a land plane. World of difference in ease of use and end result.
   / Land Plane #4  
If your drive is gravel or bare dirt a LPGS will grade flat, faster. If you have weeds/grass in your driveway an LPGS can plug, then it cannot work.

As you already own a Box Blade, you should not need a LPGS.

Box Blades have a fairly long learning curve. LPGS a very short learning curve. Both level and smooth. Box Blade require more operator control.

A Box Blade transports dirt limited distances, where an LPGS redistributes dirt, only transporting incidentally.

Far, far more Box Blades are sold than Land Planes.
   / Land Plane #5  
Hello all,

I have a driveway that always needs attention. I currently have a box blade to work with,
and was wondering if a land plane would do a better job? I don't have any experience with them.

Also would a small one work better for a driveway than a bigger one? I have two sized tractors.


Sort of depends on how good of an operator you are, if you are good, you can get the same results with either implement. But no matter how good you are, for general road maintenance the LPGS (land Plane) will cut your maintenance time by half. Without know anything other than from your post, I would get a 72" unit for your 4320. Get a unit as heavy and with as long of sides that you can find and afford.

Good luck. :thumbsup:
   / Land Plane #6  
Land Planes are simply magical, according to much feedback I've heard over the years. It's hard to believe something so easy to use can produce such professional results.

Here at Everything Attachments, we manufacture three different models, so you can choose the best one to fit your tractor(s), application and budget.

First is our Land Shark model for compact tractors, which comes standard with ripper shanks. It is available in 48", 60" and 72".
Check out the details, video and customer reviews here: Land Shark 5.1 Compact Land Leveler by EA


LandLeveler60-B2650-2 (2).jpg

   / Land Plane #7  
Next up is our EA Xtreme Duty Land Plane. Simply put, it is heavier, taller, deeper and has a solid welded Cat I & II 3pt hitch. The blades are also at a more aggressive 10 degree angle vs 7 on the Land Shark.
Details, videos, reviews here:
EA Xtreme Land Plane with Ripper Shanks
EA Xtreme Land Plane without Ripper Shanks

You know I have pics..






Concerning the results...




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   / Land Plane #8  
1/2 mile driveway with 300’ elevation change. Everything attachments land plane has made a world of difference. Agree yardbox is harder to learn to use effectively, but it can not do the job of a land plane. Same for a back blade. Land plane managing fines and redistributing base with minimum disturbance keeps the road hard and maintained longer. One trick pony but does the job well. Easy to crown or slope to maintain drainage. Appreciate the time saving and not buying gravel. Lots of complements the past couple of years. Blades and yardboxes have their place their place is just sitting in the barn.
   / Land Plane #9  
1/2 mile driveway with 300’ elevation change. Everything attachments land plane has made a world of difference. Agree yardbox is harder to learn to use effectively, but it can not do the job of a land plane. Same for a back blade. Land plane managing fines and redistributing base with minimum disturbance keeps the road hard and maintained longer. One trick pony but does the job well. Easy to crown or slope to maintain drainage. Appreciate the time saving and not buying gravel. Lots of complements the past couple of years. Blades and yardboxes have their place their place is just sitting in the barn.

It should be said that it depends on what material you have to deal with if the implements can get the same results. With certain materials, the same exact results can be obtained, just not in the same amount of time. ;)
   / Land Plane #10  
A landplane would not work on my driveway since there are areas where lots of large rocks are... If you have plenty of (small) gravel to work with, it could speed up things. Hydraulic Top-N-Tilt would also help your box blade work better and faster (that's another can of worms!!)

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