Over engineering, and I know what the charts say. I really don't understand the need to go larger that the pump inlet and outlet and valve inlet and outlet size. I could see increasing the size on a long run, but on about 6 ft of hose. Common sense would dictate they match the ports, plus the increased cost of larger fittings and hoses has to be taken into account. I think I would make all the hose the same, 3/4 in except for the 1 in suction hose.
It is possible to cut some corners when designing a system, if you know the "risks"....
On the pressure side of a fixed displacement pump, undersizing will create pressure drop during flow (no flow no pressure drop), but entire flow will still get to destination, if some of the flow is not partially diverted.
Pressure drop is a POTENTIAL source of TO MUCH HEAT. TO MUCH, depends on, cooling capacity, and cycle frequency.
So I agree that there can be some unnecessary "over engineering".
Cost of lost energy and cooling vs cost of larger sized hoses, have to be calculated.
In some low frequency cycled system we can cut the corner with some "common sense", if we KNOW we have that common sense.
One should always try to design for as much laminar flow as possible
Smaller size fittings and hoses, increases fluid velocity.
When fluid velocity increases, the turbulence increases (Reynolds number is at 2300 or higher)
Turbulent flow increase resistance and pressure
Slowing down velocity in a larger hose between to smaller sized ports, will reduce pressure loss, PERIOD!
Do we need that reduction of pressure loss?? Thats another question....On a suction line, definitely YES!
The suction side is different, because there is a limited pressure to drive the fluid through the suction line, the 14.7psi atmospheric pressure.
Homework 1: This addition of total restriction on the suction side, is a little bigger when extending a DA cylinder than when retracting the same. Why is that??
Homework 2: Why would it make sense to have a larger sized line between the control valve port and the capped side port of a DA cylinder??