Midwest Gasoline to Spike $0.50-$1.00 Per gallon

   / Midwest Gasoline to Spike $0.50-$1.00 Per gallon #271  
It is a much easier task to address the influx. Most of it comes along a long, but defined border and through ports. Once in the country you have a very large space to monitor.

I taught in a school with a large number of students who came here illegally or who's parents came here illegally. The vast majority of them work off-book for family members or friends in small (2-5 people) businesses getting paid cash. They have fake SSN that are all but impossible to detect. The coyotes sell them as part of the package. It only got worse when the irs decided all kids needed SSN to stop tax cheats (law of unintended consequences). Those kids SSN are used for years undetected.

Part of my banking job was managing a fraud/risk unit. We 'caught' these many times when those now adult kids tried to get credit and had horrible credit. The sad thing is that some of those illegals naively believe they were given legit papers. The ones that get caught are an entirely different class of illegal...those who come on student or other legal means and then don't return.

The press would have you believe most of these people are working in processing plants. That is because INS used to target those companies because they could make headlines...very convenient during those appropriations discussions. The thing is, despite 'big' numbers compared to the 2 or 3 at a time, those places are not where most of them work. In many (not all) of those big cases, the company was being duped. Don't confuse headlines with facts.
Most of them in my state work doing farm/ranch work, landscaping, hotel maids, restaurants (back room), and manual labor construction. These are established businesses. Making e-verify mandatory would go a long ways.
   / Midwest Gasoline to Spike $0.50-$1.00 Per gallon #272  
Most of them in my state work doing farm/ranch work, landscaping, hotel maids, restaurants (back room), and manual labor construction. These are established businesses. Making e-verify mandatory would go a long ways.

EVerify is a start.

I’m still involved with multi sometimes 100s of million dollar contracts that are not required to EVerify at all or beyond 1st tier contractors.

Abolishing cash could make the money easier to follow…
   / Midwest Gasoline to Spike $0.50-$1.00 Per gallon #273  
Executive branches don’t appropriate funding, congress does (or doesn’t). President’s cannot spend a dime unless budgeted by Congress.

True, but that doesn't stop them.

I mean, look no further than the student loan bail out by executive order...
   / Midwest Gasoline to Spike $0.50-$1.00 Per gallon #274  
Most of them in my state work doing farm/ranch work, landscaping, hotel maids, restaurants (back room), and manual labor construction. These are established businesses. Making e-verify mandatory would go a long ways.
And this, from politico, no less, explains why this is wishful thinking.

   / Midwest Gasoline to Spike $0.50-$1.00 Per gallon #275  
For those who don't like to read articles or maybe don't want to click politico...

The short version is that everify checks the documents. It does not ensure the person presenting the documents is that person. Again, the coyotes sell this stuff as a package.

I have no problem with the idea of making it easy for employers to tell...another flaw in the system is that the result is supposed to be they get fired. How about if instead, if they present false documents they get arrested and deported. Go after the source of the fakes.
   / Midwest Gasoline to Spike $0.50-$1.00 Per gallon #276  
And this, from politico, no less, explains why this is wishful thinking.

Well I can’t disagree. There’s a lot of hidden pressure from the business community and chambers of commerce to not shut down this labor force. And there’s lots of rationale for that. I’ll give an example from my state. In 2020 during the covid shutdowns, local farms struggled with finding harvest workforce for our most valuable cash crop: green and red chile. This is hand harvested. At that time, covid was more widespread in the US than Mexico, and the normal migrant workers were afraid to come here. Farmers didn’t harvest all of the crop that year and lost revenue because it’s difficult to hire citizens to handpick farm produce. There needs to be a more workable legal worker visa program. Congress has known this for the past decade, but no legislation is ever passed.
   / Midwest Gasoline to Spike $0.50-$1.00 Per gallon #277  
EVerify is a start.

I’m still involved with multi sometimes 100s of million dollar contracts that are not required to EVerify at all or beyond 1st tier contractors.

Abolishing cash could make the money easier to follow…
Abolishing cash would have so many negative consequences and opportunities for tyrannical abuse that no matter how beneficial to enforcing immigration issues it is it would be a horrible idea to pursue. "Your credit card only works within your 15 minute city." or "We're locking down for a virus and you can only use your credit card at these locations." The examples are endless of ways an electronic-only system would be abused against citizens.
   / Midwest Gasoline to Spike $0.50-$1.00 Per gallon #278  
EVerify is a start.

I’m still involved with multi sometimes 100s of million dollar contracts that are not required to EVerify at all or beyond 1st tier contractors.

"Abolishing cash could make the money easier to follow…"

Or, it could make it easy for whoever controls the digital money system to make Any selected person Persona non grata overnight.

At least with cash, a dystopian outcome is harder to make into reality.
Abolishing cash would have so many negative consequences and opportunities for tyrannical abuse that no matter how beneficial to enforcing immigration issues it is it would be a horrible idea to pursue. "Your credit card only works within your 15 minute city." or "We're locking down for a virus and you can only use your credit card at these locations." The examples are endless of ways an electronic-only system would be abused against citizens.
   / Midwest Gasoline to Spike $0.50-$1.00 Per gallon #279  
I think it is funny you think cash’s value or use isn’t already controllable. They didn’t need to try and freeze any money during COVID, they just unlawfully shut businesses down. 🤷‍♂️

How’s the value of that $100 bill compared to 10 years ago?

Traceable is another story.

I haven’t visited an ATM in years, extremely rare for me to transact any business in cash. It is pretty worthless decorative fabric to me.
   / Midwest Gasoline to Spike $0.50-$1.00 Per gallon #280  
Abolishing cash would have so many negative consequences and opportunities for tyrannical abuse that no matter how beneficial to enforcing immigration issues it is it would be a horrible idea to pursue. "Your credit card only works within your 15 minute city." or "We're locking down for a virus and you can only use your credit card at these locations." The examples are endless of ways an electronic-only system would be abused against citizens.

Credit card companies do the things you described already. It's part of their fraud detection processing.

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