MIG or TIG: Which is better?

   / MIG or TIG: Which is better? #21  
Red, blue, grey, and black. It isn't the color but the operator that makes the difference. :thumbsup:
   / MIG or TIG: Which is better? #22  

That is Soooooo true and can be said for MANY things in life.
   / MIG or TIG: Which is better? #23  
Certainly, the Blue line is more than a bit arbitrary, but for my uses my equipment has been excellent. The problem with most equipment is "operator deficiency". That is certainly the case with me. Having spent thousands of hours on the hot end of "red" machines, I know they are just fine:eek:

Your uncles observation on the consumables is, what I call, the Gillette school of marketing. "Giv'em the razor, sell'em the blades!":D

Your right Jack, he sold lots of "blades" but the welders at cost. I am interested in this post because I am in a situation where I would like to upgrade my old stick welder and have a combo tig/stick. I am intrigued by TIG having only fooled around with it at my uncles. I also would like a DC stick machine as my welder is just AC. I got certified years ago in stick on pipe and plate (6010/7018). I just never upgraded and got a DC stick for my personal use.
   / MIG or TIG: Which is better? #24  
I sell Mig, Tig, Stick, Plasma, Torch and Arc Gouging Equipment.. I is all Good, Get as many types as you can afford and dont discount one process or the other. Side Note: Sub Arc and Tig is used in all High Pressure situations and Critical Welds for food service and AeroSpace is all Tig.. Mig and Stick everywhere else. Want to take it to the next level? Look up Synergic Twin Pulse Mig. You can do Tig welds on Aluminum with a Mig Gun. All Possition and high speed. Or, Spatter Free welds on Steel. The future of Welding is ready to take on a whole new light.

A freind of mine builds aluminum tanks and has been doing the twin pulse for several years.
   / MIG or TIG: Which is better? #25  
It is said and I know it's true that when you get good using the tig process you'll be able to weld a razor blade to a railroad track.

An acquaintance of mine supposedly is able to TIG weld pop cans back together. If true, I'd like to see what they look like. This young man (20 something) just hired on with Lockheed-Martin helping to build satellites. Prior to that he was working in a general fab shop.

By the way, the money he told me was not in selling the equipment, it was selling the consumables.

Your uncles observation on the consumables is, what I call, the Gillette school of marketing. "Giv'em the razor, sell'em the blades!":D

This also applies to printers. HP makes more on consumables than on the printers themselves.
   / MIG or TIG: Which is better? #26  
An acquaintance of mine supposedly is able to TIG weld pop cans back together.

I have seen that done, Ron Ellis is the guy I saw do it, very impressive indeed.

This also applies to printers. HP makes more on consumables than on the printers themselves.

Not on me, I just buy a new printer for $45, it's CHEAPER than the cartridges!
   / MIG or TIG: Which is better? #27  
An acquaintance of mine supposedly is able to TIG weld pop cans back together.

Actually Matt it is very true. I've done it many times as a demonstration. Back about four months ago we had some members from DOT here in the shop and I did it to show them and the first thing they asked was "Can we take the cans with us" I said sure. When I get the tig out again and am doing really thin material I'll do a few more cans and post pics. you'll also find it hard to believe BUT you can tig tinfoil. Yep sure can. :D

   / MIG or TIG: Which is better? #28  
Actually Matt it is very true. I've done it many times as a demonstration. Back about four months ago we had some members from DOT here in the shop and I did it to show them and the first thing they asked was "Can we take the cans with us" I said sure. When I get the tig out again and am doing really thin material I'll do a few more cans and post pics. you'll also find it hard to believe BUT you can tig tinfoil. Yep sure can. :D

That would be interesting to see. I guess you are using a very low current? I want to learn more about TIG.
   / MIG or TIG: Which is better? #29  
That would be interesting to see. I guess you are using a very low current? I want to learn more about TIG.

She's dialed down so low the next step would be just to unplug the machine :laughing: I've used a 1/16th 2% ceriated tungsten and for a filler wire I use the .035 aluminum mig wire from my spool gun. As I said above. The next time I set up for thin stuff I'll do a sample. Lots of guys have done it. It's nothing new or spectacular.

   / MIG or TIG: Which is better? #30  
...you'll also find it hard to believe BUT you can tig tinfoil. Yep sure can. :D

My head believes that, but my eyes don't.

Maybe you can tig tinfoil, but I can't even tig a washer to a bolt. We have one at work. I've used it just enough to know that it's an art as much as it is a science, and I am not an artist.