Mighty tall weeds

   / Mighty tall weeds #1  


Veteran Member
Oct 2, 2006
That's not a trick of the camera, that's a 8' tall TN75 going thru those weeds.
Those weren't the tallest weeds, but the easiest place to take the picture
I just did one yesterday just like it, the wife from a hill could only see the blue top of it.
You just go real slow.
Kinda underbid it a bit :cool:
But, it all works out.


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   / Mighty tall weeds #2  
I believe you.. I've mowed dogfennel and ragweed just like that.. stuff you look 'up' at that is the same height as your canopy...

Funny enough.. I usually find that tall stemmy stuff mows easier than 3' tall thick grass..

   / Mighty tall weeds #3  
Last week I had my guys mowing 155 acres of Canadian Thistle and Bull Thistle that were mostly eye level and taller.(while sitting on the tractor) Thistle draws birds and snakes (after the birds). Snakes keep me away. Funny part is (Well, not really all that funny) we're in the grips of a drought with 100+ degree weather. Grass has all but quit growing. Weeds seem to be thriving.
   / Mighty tall weeds #4  
Soundguy said:
Funny enough.. I usually find that tall stemmy stuff mows easier than 3' tall thick grass..


Mornin Chris,
I agree , I have found that to be very true !

Although much taller than that and you could harvest it as firewood !
   / Mighty tall weeds #5  
ive got to take a pic of the same type of weed on my propety i cut down

there was an area i cleaned this past winter, and it compleatly taken over by that.... So i bushhoged it the other week.... one area i backed in (knowning there was nothing there as i had just cleaned it out 6 months ago) and left myself a little "cave" 5' wide and 15' deep.... the stuff towered WAY above my head.....
   / Mighty tall weeds #6  
With that tall stuff, is there anything extra you do...or tricks of the trade to keep the weed seeds and junk out of your radiator and such? I noticed LoneCowboy did not have a bucket attached to push the weeds over...
   / Mighty tall weeds
  • Thread Starter
You go slow
the radiator gets filled up (so does the air filter) I just cleaned them out, now instead of them being on the tractor, they are on me. :D
The biggest fear is just not knowing what is there, you just go forward slow and hope you can catch it before you slide into some huge hole.
Fingers crossed.

Oh yeah, went to do a bid today and it was mroe of this huge tall stuff and I told him "look, it's going to be expensive this time, I can't see what is where and it's ridiculously tall, but next time it shoudl be way cheaper"
he had no issues at all with it.
   / Mighty tall weeds #8  
Farmwithjunk said:
Last week I had my guys mowing 155 acres of Canadian Thistle and Bull Thistle that were mostly eye level and taller.(while sitting on the tractor) Thistle draws birds and snakes (after the birds). Snakes keep me away. Funny part is (Well, not really all that funny) we're in the grips of a drought with 100+ degree weather. Grass has all but quit growing. Weeds seem to be thriving.

Just mowed a bunch of yellow star thistle around the garage/shop area. Wasn't able to use Transline herbicide this year and the thistle rebounded.

You're right about the heat and weeds. Can't get my Kentucky 31 tall fescue to germinate in this heat. But the darn wild Bermuda grass (a noxious weed as far as I'm concerned) is doing great. Gonna get the weed burner out this weekend and fight it out with the Bermuda.
   / Mighty tall weeds #9  
LoneCowboy said:
You go slow
the radiator gets filled up (so does the air filter) I just cleaned them out, now instead of them being on the tractor, they are on me. :D
The biggest fear is just not knowing what is there, you just go forward slow and hope you can catch it before you slide into some huge hole.
Fingers crossed.

Oh yeah, went to do a bid today and it was mroe of this huge tall stuff and I told him "look, it's going to be expensive this time, I can't see what is where and it's ridiculously tall, but next time it shoudl be way cheaper"
he had no issues at all with it.

Everyone has their own style and their favorite way of doing things. That said, I've had better luck when I just tell 'em the price and don't go into great detail on how I came about it. That almost always opens up a debate over rates. If they ask specifics, I answer with specifics. I've found most people are reasonable. They want a decent price but don't need an explaination. Those who aren't resonable, seem to be looking for a leverage point to try for a lower price. No explaination is good enough.

It's tedious duty mowing a place for the first time. Compound that with conditions that make seeing where you're going almost impossible and you have a long day. Long days need proper compensation.

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