more fencing, terminating a run

   / more fencing, terminating a run #1  


Veteran Member
Aug 23, 2021
the armpit of the entire universe New Jersey
kioti DK4710 SE HST CAB
OK ladies I know this is not the usual cookies, knitting, and doily work, but I would like a little input.
See images. I am terminating a run of high tension fencing.
My best plan as things stand is to pull a little too hard on the fence and splice some fencing wire to the fence in the pics. Then use that spliced wire to tie the fence off to the pole. Then start wrapping the actual fence wires on cutting them from my stretcher one at a time.
Something tells me that this is not the usual way. Maybe what I should do is cut the lines from the stretcher starting in the center of the fence and wrap them and crimp them one at a time.
How do you do it?
terminate run-01.jpg
   / more fencing, terminating a run #6  
What the heck is this “tie” stuff? I stretch it, staple it to both posts, then cut and wrap end around last post and staple it again.
   / more fencing, terminating a run #7  
If your corner is set good stretch fence to desired tension then get a little more staple fence to post , cut then wrap around post and dally back to fence wire.
   / more fencing, terminating a run
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What the heck is this “tie” stuff?
to tie something off means to terminate the thing in whatever fashion is appropriate, usually creating some kind of bond.
It can be used in this manner in either the transitive or intransitive verb tense.

With wires, it can be quite literal as in tying a knot.
   / more fencing, terminating a run #9  
When we made vineyard gates with that type of material, we'd cut the verticals and wrap the horizontals around the tube.
Move the stretcher between the posts, restretch, you can use some staples just to keep it from flopping so much and in position, then trim and tie.
   / more fencing, terminating a run
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Got 'r Dun~!!
Took me long enough. I 'spect it'll take less time as I progress around the field.

I do like that little stretcher I made. Nothing slips, not a bit, not at all, not any.