More impressed with LS MT3 series tractor

   / More impressed with LS MT3 series tractor
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R4 tires are a little stiffer sidewall, but shouldn’t ride as rough as you describe. Reduce the air pressure. On your lift arms, most tractors have two or more holes to adjust lift height: the bottom hole provides maximum lift. Also the top link should have more than one attachment point on the tractor and those also adjust lift height.
I am going to investigate tire pressure vs. ride. Hopefully that will make it ride better. Not sure if it will improve traction though but it might. I can lift the mower higher with the 3 pt but have to use the stop on the control lever to prevent the mower from hitting the tires. That's why I may investigate the Pat's Hitch setup to move the 3 pt link arm attachment point out a little farther.
   / More impressed with LS MT3 series tractor #42  
Not sure. Dealer told me when I bought it that it was not possible but not sure how informed they are.
I have 2 inch spacers on mine (XR4145HC). They were well worth the investment. At the time, my dealer confirmed with LS that putting spacers on would not affect the warranty. I bought third party spacers.

Also, a regen every 15 hours sounds like a lot. What RPM do you usually run the engine? If I run around 1,500 - 1,800 RPM, I get a regen every 20'ish hours. If I bump my RPM up and always run at 2,200+ RPM, I only regen every 50 hours, and that is only because if it hasn't sensed the need for a regen after 50 hours, it will automatically force one.
   / More impressed with LS MT3 series tractor
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I'm not that concerned about the frequency of the regen but it is noteworthy what others with about the same size tractor see. Unless I'm hooking up something or need to get out of the cab for a short time, I generally run above 2000rpm. Most of the time I'm using the tractor with the PTO so it is around 2500rpm. I thought the first regen was a little early but most of the hours were run when it was cold outside so I thought that may have something to do with it. 2nd regen was with ambient temps >60F and it regen'd at almost the same amount of hours. I wonder if there is any data out there with how much fuel is used during a regen vs. just running the tractor at lower speeds when it is not being worked hard (e.g. driving from point to point). Since you can continue to work the tractor while in regen it probably is a moot point (I think some brands require the tractor to be parked when in regen). The engine in the MT3 does not seem to mind running all the time above 2000 rpm but there are times when it is be nice to run it slower.
   / More impressed with LS MT3 series tractor #44  
My 47HC only wanted a regen once in 114 hours. If one happened at 50, it went unnoticed. I do a lot more mowing than anything else, but use the loader often too. I keep RPMs above 1700 except warm up or cool down. Mowing is 2450 or wherever the 540 line is.
   / More impressed with LS MT3 series tractor #45  
Check out a quick hitch instead of Pat's
think you will like it much better.
On this one believe you need to replace
the hook its about $35
quick hitch is $140

With the quick hitch you get the 3 point pickup

   / More impressed with LS MT3 series tractor #46  
Check out a quick hitch instead of Pat's
think you will like it much better.
On this one believe you need to replace
the hook its about $35
quick hitch is $140

With the quick hitch you get the 3 point pickup

That Amazon link doesn't work.

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