Most hated household job

   / Most hated household job #11  
weed-eating around the pond
   / Most hated household job #12  
This year I found the perfect solution - six strong young guys who charged $200 to do the job. Here is the after effects on two of the six sides of my house. It is 10 feet to the eaves on my garage:

I would never think to remove snow from my roof. I would be too busy taking pictures and playing in the snow. The last good one we had was in 1993. But I was wondering if opening up the attic to heated air for a while would melt the snow. Surely it wouldn't use 200 dollars of heat.
   / Most hated household job
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I would never think to remove snow from my roof. I would be too busy taking pictures and playing in the snow. The last good one we had was in 1993. But I was wondering if opening up the attic to heated air for a while would melt the snow. Surely it wouldn't use 200 dollars of heat.

I am from northern Ohio and I can tell you that it would have never occured to me as a kid that one would need to clean snow off a roof. The garage on the right in my picture is my second garage. The first garage collapsed under the weight of snow while I was away working on a college degree, so I am sensitive to the weight of snow.

Your idea wouldn't work. In my case I don't have an attic, I have cathedral ceiling in my log house and my garage isn't heated. Even if I did have an attic, it wouldn't work. As the melting snow moved out over the eaves it would freeze and you would get an ice buildup. When the snow continued to melt above the ice dam it wouldn't have anywhere to go, so it would backup under the shingles. From there it start leaking into the house and so on.

Only people who live in the snowy, cold north have to think about these things. :D
   / Most hated household job #16  
I used to have to shovel and rake the snow off the roof because of the bad ice dams. Ah, one of the many joys you folks from warmer climates don't even know about, let alone get to enjoy. A few years back when the house needed a new roof, we spent the extra money and put a metal roof on. This works great, the snow just slides off when it is good and ready. We can ski and snowshoe in the mean time.
   / Most hated household job #18  
Washing windows and vacuuming. I've solved the vacuuming problem by getting a Roomba robot. And a twelve foot ladder will help a lot with the windows.
   / Most hated household job #19  
That snow stuff sounds like a pain in the neck, glad we don't have any around here.
What sounds worse to me is walking around with a string trimmer blowing hot exhaust in your face and throwing dirt in your eyes and down your neck when is 97F @ 96% humidity.