Mowing Mounting this pull behind flail mower out in front of my 425

   / Mounting this pull behind flail mower out in front of my 425 #11  
I really don't think you're going to be able to cut brush of any size with a flail on a PT425. They just don't have the GPM to handle that type of implement. It's probably why Power Trac doesn't offer them for the smaller machines, but does for the T18 and up class machines.
   / Mounting this pull behind flail mower out in front of my 425 #12  
I wish one of our members had not left, he was a Hydraulic guru. I beleive that, and I may be wrong, the actual HP value of a Hydraulic system is less, meaning that the 11HP engine provides more than what the Hydraulics will..
   / Mounting this pull behind flail mower out in front of my 425 #13  
Not that I am an expert, but it is the other way around. A gasoline engine of 11HP produces less than 11HP of hydraulic power, a lot less. E.g. to get 8gpm at 2,500psi, requires an electric motor of 13HP, using a a gasoline motor is double that.

You have power losses at the pump, the valves and hoses and the hydraulic motor. Plus, you have to factor in the relatively low torque of a gasoline engine at full throttle.

There is a nice calculator at Surplus Center, if you want to run the numbers.

All the best,

I wish one of our members had not left, he was a Hydraulic guru. I beleive that, and I may be wrong, the actual HP value of a Hydraulic system is less, meaning that the 11HP engine provides more than what the Hydraulics will..
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   / Mounting this pull behind flail mower out in front of my 425 #14  
I wish one of our members had not left, he was a Hydraulic guru. I beleive that, and I may be wrong, the actual HP value of a Hydraulic system is less, meaning that the 11HP engine provides more than what the Hydraulics will..
Generally speaking, you can count in losing 20% of engine HP by the time you run it through a hydraulic pump, valves and a hydraulic motor.
So, 0.8x your engine HP will gave you the usable HP on the shaft of a hydraulic motor.

Aaron Z
   / Mounting this pull behind flail mower out in front of my 425 #15  
I wish one of our members had not left, he was a Hydraulic guru. I beleive that, and I may be wrong, the actual HP value of a Hydraulic system is less, meaning that the 11HP engine provides more than what the Hydraulics will..

If you're speaking of J_J, while he hasn't posted in almost a year, you may be able to PM or email him with a question. He posted his contact info about a year ago, January..... hope all is well with him and his. :thumbsup:

J_J said:
Yes I am still around working on other projects.

I check in often and read all the post. Hope everyone is doing well.

My new projects are with woodworking/routing/ glass etching.

You can look up the post and his contact info is in there.
   / Mounting this pull behind flail mower out in front of my 425 #16  
   / Mounting this pull behind flail mower out in front of my 425
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Great information everyone. Thanks. It looks like I will need to do a bit of hunting and modification to end up with a from mounted flail mower I can afford. I did get a quote from Iowa Farm Equipment for this slick Italian (Peruzzo) flail mower with a hydraulic motor spec'd for my 425 for a measly 4 grand plus shipping
Scorpion HYD (8).JPG

As much as it would be great to have something new and perfect I think it's going to end up being used and "we'll make it work"
Aaron Z, Thanks for the link to the 40" Vemco flail mower for sale ($400) in Bend. I just called the seller and he said he might be willing to deliver it as his wife likes visiting the Coast. Titan Attachments has a sale on a brand new 48" pull behind flail mower with free shipping for $1,080 so that might be well worth it. Though it looks like the3 Vemvo might be a little easier to convert.

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   / Mounting this pull behind flail mower out in front of my 425 #18  
If your looking at mowers narrower than the tractor, you may as well pull behind. You can offset it so your driving where you’ve already cut. And if the mower has it’s own engine it won’t be ribbing power from your tractor.

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