Moving rocks/boulders

   / Moving rocks/boulders
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Dont know if I'll do this right, but since the inception of this post, we did THIS .

If it works, you can see a relative idea of the size of the rocks. The MOTHER of all these rocks, is up on top, on left, near out of view, and certainly not showing the size of it.

upshot, this rock cleved off a HUGE boulder and was still heavy enough that it severly lightned the back wheels of my backhoe. My wife was a nervous nanny during putting that specific rock down.

If above url didn't work, then I think This is the thread that shows different angles of these rocks.

All the long rocks (I cant see pic as I type, but about 2nd row up on far right, and maybe on far left?) were from the mentioned quarry....well, most all of them, but those were the topics of discussions
