My sis

   / My sis #1  


Super Member
Nov 25, 2009
Bobcat CT 235
Friday morning my family lost my next oldest big sister.
She fought cancer for over a year.

Today is her showing and tomorrow is her funeral.

She is the first of 10 siblings that we lost.

Me and her populate the center of the chain of siblings.

Losing our parents was difficult, but losing the smartest and the sweetest and the one with the biggest smile sibling Seems even more difficult than I remember when losing my mom.

I do not remember the exact quote, but something to the effect that God takes the very best first, seems to be very true in this case.

Her husband is the best of people and he is going to miss her dearly! As will her kids!
   / My sis #2  
Sorry for your loss, prayers for you and your family.
   / My sis #3  
Praying for comfort and peace for your family.
   / My sis #4  
Prayers for you and your family. So sorry.
   / My sis #5  
My condolences for you and prayers for you and your family.
   / My sis #6  
Sorry for your loss... thoughts & prayer to you & your family
   / My sis #8  
Prayers for you and your family. A terrible tragedy like this can never be made better or overcome. The pain from loss only lessens a bit over time.

Strength to you to get through these future days ...
   / My sis
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Thanks everyone!

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