my TC45DA runs hot, ideas

   / my TC45DA runs hot, ideas #1  


Veteran Member
Oct 2, 2006
used it twice and hey it's summer, but it's not arizona hot and the screens are clean and there's no humidity here.

Within an hour of bushhogging (and it's not working hard at all) it sneaks right up to the red/green line.
Unless the screens are plugged, the other two tractors don't move at all.

anyone else?
   / my TC45DA runs hot, ideas #2  
try the search function - there was an issue a while back that invovled some sort of plumbing fix - though I would have though NH to have fixed it by now. I think there was also an issue with the guages themselves.

Basics are:

- clean screen & radiator - may be full of dust that you can't see
- coolant at proper level
- thermostat
- guage could just read high

Humid air will actually take more heat out of the cooling system - (though the AC will work harder so could be a wash)
   / my TC45DA runs hot, ideas #3  
I believe the problem you're describing with the Class IIIs was cold-running, not hot. It came from the "dingle-ball" on the thermostat that was supposed to work as a one-way valve, but instead got stuck in the thermostat and kept it open.
   / my TC45DA runs hot, ideas #4  
I have the same tractor, year 2003, same thing started happening this year. It's the stat, not the tractor, at least that's been my experience.
   / my TC45DA runs hot, ideas #5  
LoneCowboy said:
used it twice and hey it's summer, but it's not arizona hot and the screens are clean and there's no humidity here.

Within an hour of bushhogging (and it's not working hard at all) it sneaks right up to the red/green line.
Unless the screens are plugged, the other two tractors don't move at all.

anyone else?

Mine was running hot, and it was because the coolant level was a little low. I added straight prestone and it is probably now 60-40. No problems since.
   / my TC45DA runs hot, ideas
  • Thread Starter
coolant in the overflow is dead on.

Well, it's going back tomorrow anyway because when you hit the cruise control in anything but dead smooth road, it blows the fuse 200 feet later.

Kinda defeats the whole point of having cruise.
So, they can fix both.
And the jacked up (out of adjustment) 3 point lower rate. (totally notchy, thump thump thump slam)
   / my TC45DA runs hot, ideas #7  
DocHeb said:
I believe the problem you're describing with the Class IIIs was cold-running, not hot. It came from the "dingle-ball" on the thermostat that was supposed to work as a one-way valve, but instead got stuck in the thermostat and kept it open.

Doc - thanks for the reminder - I've been at TBN too long - I'm starting to forget what I've learned:eek: :eek: :rolleyes: :rolleyes:
   / my TC45DA runs hot, ideas #8  
My TC35DA runs a little on the hot side as well. Radiator is clean (no screens) and coolant level is good. I chalked it up to a screwy gage. It never touches the red but always runs in the upper 1/4 of the gage.

   / my TC45DA runs hot, ideas #9  
I'd bet that they do not have the optimum thermostat installed. The cabs(and AC's) are new for this class, and the extra motor load(to run the ac), and the extra heat load(from the ac condensor) is likely a bit much if you are running it with a good pto load with the ac on in the heat.

   / my TC45DA runs hot, ideas #10  
LoneCowboy said:
And the jacked up (out of adjustment) 3 point lower rate. (totally notchy, thump thump thump slam)


Are you saying that your "drop rate knob" below the seat (see the attached pdf for a visual) is full CW and the 3ph still slams down?

Full CCW should let 3ph lower real fast .......Full CW should make the 3ph take an eternity to lower.

View attachment NH-TC35-40-45DA-Manual pg 2-20.pdf

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