My wife got the tractor stuck today.

   / My wife got the tractor stuck today. #1  


Veteran Member
Oct 2, 2006
So, after plowing our streets with the FEL on the tractor, we went over to the church to do the sidewalks. After the first big storm, the plow guys did a TERRIBLE job and built huge piles everywhere they shouldn't be.

So, the wife is ok on the tractor, but isn't so hot on the FEL. Me, I have 1000's of hours on tractors so it feels pretty natural to me.

So, I said, why don't you move this pile (that's in the wrong place) over to this corner. There's no real point to it, but we wont' tear anything up (pavement) and the snow does need to be moved and it would be good practice for her.

So, i clear off the pavement and she goes to work. Knowing that I'm making her self-conscious I leave to go inside to do some work inside. She's getting better I can see, and after a while I come back to watch.

She's stuck.
Completely and totally stuck.
She's putting it on the new pile and climbing up the slope of the old snow (which is correct) and went a wee bit too far and broke through.
It's stuck, spinning etc.
I go out, "STOP!!!",
So, i start driving and trying to push with the FEL and push it up and out.
No way, it just keeps moving teh snow and i can't push up enough to get out of the hole.
I try rocking it but the wife has dug quite a hole.
I even remember to do the differential lock but still nothing.
I start digging it out.
nothing and it's ice right on the back side of the hole that the front wheels are in.
I send the wife back to the house to get a chain.

I keep playing while she's gone.
Hey, why aren't the front wheels spinning? :confused:
Hmmm, hey, maybe if I put it in 4wd.
yeah, not in 4wd :eek:
Put it in 4wd, let it out and out I pop.

She comes back and says "how did you get out?"
I'm just good.

I'm super tractor man.
And no, I'm not telling her how I got out. :cool:
   / My wife got the tractor stuck today. #2  
I always blame it on my wife too

   / My wife got the tractor stuck today. #3  
You better hope your wife does read your post. :)
   / My wife got the tractor stuck today.
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Ronbo said:
I always blame it on my wife too

Well, I usually do too
But really she did
And she just asked me, "so how did you get it unstuck?"

I'm super tractor man, like I told you.
   / My wife got the tractor stuck today. #5  
LoneCowboy said:
I'm super tractor man.
And no, I'm not telling her how I got out. :cool:

Good plan!
   / My wife got the tractor stuck today. #6  
NOT NICE BRIAN!:D would be better to just tell her to put it in FWD before she starts moving snow:)
   / My wife got the tractor stuck today. #7  
I for one think you should tell her, but a way that implies that she had taken it out of four wheel drive! No snow here in New England and we were out tonight and it was 52 degrees at 8 PM! Snowmobiling sucks!
   / My wife got the tractor stuck today. #8  
Hey what I have read we (males) will all be extinct in a few thousand years..........the'll figure it out........and miss us too.
   / My wife got the tractor stuck today.
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frank_f15 said:
NOT NICE BRIAN!:D would be better to just tell her to put it in FWD before she starts moving snow:)

I swear it was
i never take it out.
I had just cleared the street (private road) for 2+ hours, I was sure it was.
Heck, I just finished clearing the lot so she could work the pile without packing down the snow (the plow guy is going to wonder what happened), I thought it was.

I'm still not telling her.:cool:
   / My wife got the tractor stuck today. #10  
A long time ago I got Dad's tractor stuck in some bottoms we had. It was a 4 wheel drive tractor with duals on each corner. It was a big John Deere something or another that I thought would go through anything. I got in this squishy stuff and didn't think to raise the drill behind me until I'd buried it. It took them two days to get it out. Boy, was in hot water. :eek:

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