Name that tool and how do you use it

   / Name that tool and how do you use it #21  
Thanks all. What is really embarassing is that the Kerf Setter and the Hog Pliers I have both used a lot in my childhood. My father was against power equipment when I was young so we cut all our wood with buck saws. One man and two man saws. Learned to sharpen and kerf. I knew what I was looking at but it never rang a bell. Same with the pliers. I think you are probably right on the one tool being an alignment tool. The previous owner was a lineman, probably something to line up holes on power poles. The last is maybe home made or a modification. It is nasty nasty sharp. Not sure what you would use it for as it removes flesh (not a back scratcher).

So the one tool with the chunk of metal at the top... there are 4 of them in the tool kit I was given. No clue. It does have a look of maybe an old screw driver with this nob welde on but it makes no sense. Not sure what you would use it for.

You mentioned lineman, so maybe #3 is some sort of fid or cable splicing tool, although its not too pointy.
   / Name that tool and how do you use it #22  
A little hard to tell, but #1 looks like a soldering iron, not sure about the other end.