The barn is 30'X60'. It has a concrete floor and is fully insulated which makes a big difference when its cold outside. I use a kerosene/diesel heater that heats it up comfortably in about 20 minutes.
The challenge was to build something that would fill my needs without breaking the bank! This building will be wearing many hats: shop, garage, storage, work area for saws and tools etc. And of course vehicle storage--gotta keep that shiny new Kubota looking good!
Our house has a side entry garage that layout wise is just begging to be turned into a nice family room (think Lazy Boy & a cozy wood burning free standing fireplace). Anyway, that's the plan for now.
Oh yeah,almost forgot to mention-- the shop is my hideout when the estrogen levels around here begin to climb alarmingly. With a wife and 3 daughters a man needs a orderly plan of retreat!!