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Micro would extend production as one array drops into shade before others...

Maybe my panels have not aged well?
   / New to Grid Tied Home Solar... #202  
Curious who you used for financing? We are looking at a 25kw system but seeing most financing at 4.99 unless you buy down the rate.
The company I contracted with is Polaron, one of the larger residential solar companies here in Canada. They provide the financing. The $10K rebate is from the provincial government, currently the best solar rebate in Canada. Hard to understand why more people are not doing this as it cost me nothing and is actually saving me money.
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Is there a limit to how large an array a residence can have?

Here the residential max is 25 kW but then the actual size is determined by historical usage or a formula based on climate, square footage and energy efficiency with the idea to cover 90% of usage.

One work around to increase over actual usage is to plan for Electric Vehicle...

Home has Central A/C which is nice... never lived in home with A/C but when temps push 100 with A/C on I recorded my highest usage last summer and with solar producing still came up 38 kW short...

A/C really ramps up power usage and due to high cost of electricity only used maybe two weeks of the year...

So far at True-Up a check to me for the wholesale rate of excess power production follows several months later... a couple of hundred last check.

When heating my natural gas usage goes from almost zero for hot water to as much as $15 for the day...

With more PV I could put in a heat coil???

Utility rates are not going down so why not turn the 6 kW into a 12 kW but it means new panels and inverter...
   / New to Grid Tied Home Solar... #204  
Is there a limit to how large you can go?

Here there is a residential max of 25kW but then the actual size is determined by usage... the idea is to cover 90% of usage.

One way to go increase over actual usage is to plan for Electric Vehicle...

How has Central A/C which is nice... never lived in home with A/C but when temps push 100 with A/C on I recorded my highest usage with solar producing and still came up 38 kW short...

A/C really ramps up power usage and due to high cost of electricity only used maybe two weeks of the year...

So far at True-Up a check to me for the wholesale rate of excess power production follows several months later... a couple of hundred last check.

When heating my natural gas usage goes from almost none to as much as $15 for the day...

With more PV I could put in a heat coil???

Utility rates are not going down so why not turn the 6kW into a 12kW but it means new panels and inverter...
The power company will only buy excess power to the maximum of what you consume, so any excess beyond that becomes free power for the utility. However, it isn’t costing me any extra to go big. My future demand will increase so I am scaling it to meet my future needs.
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The power company will only buy excess power to the maximum of what you consume, so any excess beyond that becomes free power for the utility. However, it isn’t costing me any extra to go big. My future demand will increase so I am scaling it to meet my future needs.
I was surprised to get a check... a new law mandates this with community energy exchanges was the reason given.

I had 4000 kW excess production in 2019... not home a lot as I am daily at Moms place.... enough to run A/C for 100 days... so why not supplemental heat coil?

Just for comparison... Mom's 2400 square foot home typically uses 12 kW per day over a year...

When I was sizing a service for her the size worked out to be quite small... we never did move ahead on the project as she would need a panel upgrade, etc...
   / New to Grid Tied Home Solar... #206  
Curious who you used for financing? We are looking at a 25kw system but seeing most financing at 4.99 unless you buy down the rate.
Banks borrow money from feds at 0.01% and loan it out at 5%. Amazing
   / New to Grid Tied Home Solar... #207  
Ultrarunner. It is an ancient Polish coat of arms. It originally appeared about 1000 AD.

My dad was born in Poland in 1900. Came to this country in 1907, probably without papers as that was totally acceptable then. He became naturalized in the 30’s.

He survived the depression by working at a number of jobs that most people were not interested in.

He worked in the Circus cleaning up after the elephants. Him and his brother worked in the coal mines where they didn’t pay you but gave you “credit” at the company store. You never had enough credit to sustain your self and you couldn’t quit until you paid off your debt. Legalized slavery I guess. One night he and his brother put on all the clothes they had, stuck a spare pair of shoes in their back pockets (shoes were a very hard to come by item) and slipped out down the railroad tracks at night.

He did steeple jack work cleaning the tops of smoke stacks 300’ up in the air by just pulling your self up in a bosons chair. Occasionally the pulley at the top would jamb and his brother who was a semi professional boxer and built like a fire hydrant would climb hand over hand up the ropes, stopping just once to rest. 300 feet!

He worked as a roofer, painter and other menial jobs. The roofing job was his downfall, no pun intended, as he fell off a 3 story roof I am told, but that seems questionable, when he stepped on a patch of ice that was shaded behind a chimney. It did not kill him, but he never worked again. The good news is that he lived 34 more years and died of old age.

Lots of people lived colorful lives back then.
   / New to Grid Tied Home Solar...
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Ultrarunner. It is an ancient Polish coat of arms. It originally appeared about 1000 AD.

My dad was born in Poland in 1900. Came to this country in 1907, probably without papers as that was totally acceptable then. He became naturalized in the 30’s.

He survived the depression by working at a number of jobs that most people were not interested in.

He worked in the Circus cleaning up after the elephants. Him and his brother worked in the coal mines where they didn’t pay you but gave you “credit” at the company store. You never had enough credit to sustain your self and you couldn’t quit until you paid off your debt. Legalized slavery I guess. One night he and his brother put on all the clothes they had, stuck a spare pair of shoes in their back pockets (shoes were a very hard to come by item) and slipped out down the railroad tracks at night.

He did steeple jack work cleaning the tops of smoke stacks 300’ up in the air by just pulling your self up in a bosons chair. Occasionally the pulley at the top would jamb and his brother who was a semi professional boxer and built like a fire hydrant would climb hand over hand up the ropes, stopping just once to rest. 300 feet!

He worked as a roofer, painter and other menial jobs. The roofing job was his downfall, no pun intended, as he fell off a 3 story roof I am told, but that seems questionable, when he stepped on a patch of ice that was shaded behind a chimney. It did not kill him, but he never worked again. The good news is that he lived 34 more years and died of old age.

Lots of people lived colorful lives back then.
Interesting history... never know who might be descended from Nobility...
   / New to Grid Tied Home Solar... #209  
My wife is 1/2 Polish. Her dad was 100%. My wife grew up hanging around the PNA club and Falcons clubs. So did our kids. Basically, they have a bar and clubhouse for the adults and promote physical fitness, gymnastics for the youth. Sometimes a bowling alley for families and leagues.

They called it the Polish Chicken, lovingly, of course, as its an Eagle.
   / New to Grid Tied Home Solar... #210  
Moss, the neighborhood I grew up in was mainly eastern europe. Poles, Germans, Slaves, Serbs, Hungarian, Italian etc. The one thing I remember best is the food. All home made, ethnic and delicious. You could not go to a friends house where his mother would say to you as soon as you came in the door, "come here, sit down and eat!" There was always something warming on the stove.

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