Not caught yet but how to remove a skunk from Havahart live trap?

   / Not caught yet but how to remove a skunk from Havahart live trap? #1  


Super Star Member
Dec 8, 2007
Kubota M7040, Kubota MX5100, Deere 790 TLB, Farmall Super C
I haven't caught it yet but my quest for a raccoon may find me with a skunk in a Havahart live trap. If that happens, how do I get it out of the trap?

Trapped possums and raccoons go to a local wetland area for release and I would like to do the same with the skunk, should I catch it. Maybe better to just let to go and hope it leaves town? But how do I do that to get close enough to the trap to open the door? I'm a tough guy but not when it comes to skunks. Any advice welcome.
   / Not caught yet but how to remove a skunk from Havahart live trap? #2  
Had that happen maybe 5 years ago. What made it even more challenging was that the trap was between 2 woodpiles, and you couldn't get around it or easily escape. My wife was braver than me, and just snuck up and opened the trap. The skunk wandered out and apparently was grateful enough that it did so without spraying. (y)
   / Not caught yet but how to remove a skunk from Havahart live trap? #3  
Get a nice vinyl plastic work tarp. A big one, hold it over your head (covering your body outline) as you slowly approach the skunk in the trap. Place the tarp over the trap, make sure you know where the handle is, don't leave too much tarp over the entrance. Relocate accordingly.

As long as your calm and patient, you should have no issues. They are pretty docile animals. With poor vision.
   / Not caught yet but how to remove a skunk from Havahart live trap? #4  
When I've had that issue with unwelcome visitors I usually place the trap a good 50yd from the house. When one gets caught I send it a little sleeping pill (usually .22") and then wait a half day to go out to scoop the trap up with the loader and take it to the back 40 to empty.
   / Not caught yet but how to remove a skunk from Havahart live trap? #5  
.22 from a distance always did the trick for me!
   / Not caught yet but how to remove a skunk from Havahart live trap? #6  
Get a nice vinyl plastic work tarp. A big one, hold it over your head (covering your body outline) as you slowly approach the skunk in the trap. Place the tarp over the trap, make sure you know where the handle is, don't leave too much tarp over the entrance. Relocate accordingly.

As long as your calm and patient, you should have no issues. They are pretty docile animals. With poor vision.
I use a large towel, or blanket, and do as you suggest; hide behind the towel and move slowly.

My $0.02: Know where your handle is, and where the release is before you start! Our trap design is one that is not trivial to release one handed.

We often see skunk families around here, but rarely on our property. One memorable occasion was encountering two adult and six little ones on a nearby trail. Almost as soon as we saw them, they all got spooked as we rode by on horseback. Eight tails and butts were suddenly pointing our way. The horses didn't seem to understand why we were suddenly insisting on getting out of Dodge pronto.:ROFLMAO:

All the best,

   / Not caught yet but how to remove a skunk from Havahart live trap? #7  
Have trapped many skunks and never had one spray. I release right where at. Walk up to trap open dump walk other direction.
   / Not caught yet but how to remove a skunk from Havahart live trap? #8  
Very simple. Once you see the skunk in the trap get a large sheet or tarp and walk toward the trap holding it up in front of you. I wrap in around my hands and walk on it kicking it forward. I don't let the skunk see a hand or foot. When you get to the trap drop the sheet over it and wrap it tightly around. You can then feel around and find the handle and pick the trap up and take it out to a field or in the back of a truck. One young lady at our church would put them in the back of her mother's minivan and the mom would drive them miles away before releasing.

Anyway, once you are at the release point stand the trap on end, uncover the door keeping the sheet around the trap and carefully open it and use the hook to hold it open. (I also use a wire tie) The skunk will be on the bottom watching but will not spray. Set the trap down, grab an end of the sheet firmly, and rapidly walk away pulling the sheet as you go. Then you wait until the skunk finally decides to leave the trap and wander off.

Now for the rest of the story.

I release everything I trap except skunks. We had one spray under our house about 10:00 at night ten years ago and it was a nightmare. I had to go back in the house to get my billfold and keys and holding my breath with a hand covering my mouth and my nose pinched shut I could still TASTE the smell. We were out of our house for two weeks. Had the house cleared of the smell in a week when another sprayed outside and put us back out again. So the skunks I trap usually die of lead poisoning. Specifically 12-gauge, 3 inch, #4 buckshot with 41 pellets lead poisoning. I shoot them in the trap then go purchase a new trap. Let the trap set for a couple days then put it in a large heavy duty trash bag using gloves. I tightly close the bag with the gloves inside and put it in the trash for pickup.

I know people say that skunks are beneficial and should not be killed but we were out over two thousand dollars and our insurance company over ten thousand when that one sprayed under our house. The agent said that they had some people leave their house on vacation for two weeks and skunks got in the air conditioning vents and sprayed. When that happens the central unit and ductwork have to be replaced. Everything in the house has to be replaced. The agent said that the people and the insurance company would have come out cheaper if the house had burned to the ground and it was a large expensive house. When the one sprayed under our house my wife had to throw away flour and sugar stored in (supposedly) airtight containers.

I have never been sprayed but I have had one very close call in fifteen to twenty that I've caught. I used to release them but don't anymore. I released one using the method mentioned above and it was a large male during the breeding season. He was aggressive and stormed out of the trap very angry and hissing. If they are hissing they are about to spray. So I was running backwards and had my shotgun with me. Forgetting that I have a blind spot in my right eye I shot three times missing by a large amount. Once I was at a safe distance I switched aiming eyes and shot him right in the part that was aimed at me.

Good luck.

   / Not caught yet but how to remove a skunk from Havahart live trap? #9  
Use marshmallows for coon bait with live traps. Possum and skunks forage by smell and won't be attracted. 'Coons hunt by sight and MMs look like eggs, so they'll find them even in the dark and take an immediate liking to the taste. Stake or weight your traps so that litter-mates don't tip them over and allow escape. (BTDT)

Smaller live traps as used for squirrels are tops for skunks. If they can't raise their tail they can't spray. I take most all catches for a swim off the dock while in the trap. Old bait and critter poo get soaked and rinsed off 'naturally' with minimal mess. Twenty years of saving .22 LR ammo.
   / Not caught yet but how to remove a skunk from Havahart live trap? #10  
I haven't caught it yet but my quest for a raccoon may find me with a skunk in a Havahart live trap. If that happens, how do I get it out of the trap?

Trapped possums and raccoons go to a local wetland area for release and I would like to do the same with the skunk, should I catch it. Maybe better to just let to go and hope it leaves town? But how do I do that to get close enough to the trap to open the door? I'm a tough guy but not when it comes to skunks. Any advice welcome.

I'm pretty sure that you're not permitted to relocate trapped racoons or possums. If they're nuisances, you can trap them and kill them, but can't release them on another property. You cannot and should not relocate skunks either. Shoot it.

As far as skunks, I once had an exterminating company say they would place a trap by a dumpster for free. But they charged $250 to empty it once a skunk was caught. As mentioned above, they dispatched the critter by shooting it with a .22 from a distance. (This was several years back. I'm sure the price is MUCH higher now.)

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