Now it's a crime to use gas trimmers in my California city just as fire season kicks off...

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   / Now it's a crime to use gas trimmers in my California city just as fire season kicks off... #91  

Since 1980 I've been doing hillside fire suppression with handlebar trimmers...

The terrain is rugged and taxing covering many acres...

Now illegal to use gas powered trimmers and herbicide is also problematic as root structure is to remain providing soil stabilization...

It's just nuts...
Add on that soon no fossil fuel engines so I guess hang gliders to do aerial attacks.
   / Now it's a crime to use gas trimmers in my California city just as fire season kicks off... #92  
I live on a mountainous tropical island which is steep and where vines and tough grasses grow like they are on steroids. We don't have the fire risk present in California but unless one cuts with regularity, the jungle will swallow everything. I used two stroke chain saws and trimmers for years but have converted to electric with no appreciable downside. The 40 volt electric saws are especially good in tough terrain where only trash trees less than 5" in diameter need to be cut. They are lighter and with sketchy footing, no need to carry an idling saw or jerk start an internal combustion engine. Depress the safety, press the trigger and cut.

(removed political)
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   / Now it's a crime to use gas trimmers in my California city just as fire season kicks off... #93  
My 80V string trimmer works better than my old gas string trimmers and it pollutes a fraction of a 2 cycle. Exhaust into the air isn't free. People are dying from air pollution and climate change. The more 2 cycle devices we upgrade to electric, the better off we'll all be. Exceptions are fine where they make sense. This is doable with less pain than one might think. Whining about it is just spitting into the wind.
I'm sure your for open borders and sanctuary state rule, we are already regulated to the point of no return take your agenda to a place that will actually do good Like China. Mexico or India our string trimmers aren't killing anyone it's the global unregulated industrialists that are killing people not string trimmers. We have plenty of regulation here protecting and reducing which is why our companies along with cheap labor move to these unregulated regions government needs to find solutions in the big picture that will do far more good.
   / Now it's a crime to use gas trimmers in my California city just as fire season kicks off... #94  
Rodwood - Do you pack your trash when you camp? Does it matter whether the law requires you to do it? Have you ever seen brown air in the cities? 2 cycles are bad polluters. Phasing them out won't fix anything but it will have benefits greater than the costs. You can either acknowledge that reality and deal with it, or keep spitting into the wind. Your choice.
   / Now it's a crime to use gas trimmers in my California city just as fire season kicks off... #95  
Friend tried the goats, paid the fee , goats delivered but they didn't like the weeds they were hired to eat. Goat Owner claimed because it was too dry. Goats picked up, no refund , good at cleaning out the checkbook at least !

It would be much cheaper to hire a couple of illegals to clear the brush.....check out the local Home Depot parking lot.
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   / Now it's a crime to use gas trimmers in my California city just as fire season kicks off... #96  
I'm puzzled...

There's an opportunity here to be ahead of the competition and be the only company doing the work in a manner that complies with the rules. Take that business plan to a bank and they're likely to approve a loan if there's a lot of equipment involved. Sounds like you've got a year to put that plan together.

I know change can be annoying. But those who look for the opportunity will win.

For example, I'm running a corded chainsaw and trimmers off of UTV-mounted batteries with a quiet generator for backup. It makes the work more pleasant, and reduces fuel cost & maintenance. There's a market in for that in communities that acknowledge climate change needs to be mitigated and don't want to be woken up in the morning by noisy equipment. (Hit 'em with both virtue and luxury.)

That solution may not work in a California road cut. I adapted to my specific situation. Every situation is different, and that's your opportunity to out-think the competition.

In my community, we don't have those extreme rules yet, but when we do, the prepared will be snapping up work while their competitors try to fight the rule. (I'm not mentioning this advice to my competitors in OH... unless you happen to be eavesdropping on this forum.)
   / Now it's a crime to use gas trimmers in my California city just as fire season kicks off... #97  
I havent read the specifics of this new law in CA.....Imagining its for noise reduction? Seems a bit counter intuitive of them if they are trying to reduce fires and pollution.....Making lithium ion batteries is not a clean process by any means. And where is this electricity coming from to charge all the batteries? Last I checked, CA had lots of rolling blackouts because they can not keep up. If its simply for sound I get it.....but they might have jumped the gun on trying to implement a reasonable solution.
   / Now it's a crime to use gas trimmers in my California city just as fire season kicks off... #98  
Interesting read.

I used to have to travel to CA on business 5-8 times a year...will likely never visit it again. The "enlightened" ones can keep it. I hear a growing number of Neanderthals are leaving CA. Beautiful state but a in a state of increasing stupidity about all things. BTW, that is not a political comment but my opinion of reality.

As to gas powered tools, I try to avoid them if a battery tool will suffice. Nothing will match the performance of my Husqvarna 570 blower, but I use a 40v blower for light duty stuff. I want my Shindawa trimmer to die but after 15+ years it refuses to do so...really want a good battery unit. Use a little 40V chainsaw for most of my tasks but still keep two gas saws for firewood processing. Even bought a battery powered snowblower for clearing the garage pad and walks when we get 2-6 inches of snow. Less than 2" and I use the gas blower. Heavy snow calls for the "big guns".

Ordered a ZT mower this year. Looked at a battery operated one for a bit but seemed like too risky an investment. At 70, I do not want to buying something else in 10-12 years. The new "smog machine" has a Kawasaki engine that should help kill the earth until after I die.

I hear Bill Gates wants to seed the atmosphere with calcium carbonate dust to dim the sun and save us from global warming. He lives in Washington so not all the "enlightened ones" are resident in CA.
   / Now it's a crime to use gas trimmers in my California city just as fire season kicks off...
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I would get with about a thousand others who are in the same boat with you, go to city hall, scare the hell (protest) out of the city counsel and then go do what you need to do—cut brush—out of defiance.
I’ve done that before and learned a lot... when council sees chambers full they table and put over to later date and after several many drop out.

By the time the item was up for public discussion I was one of 4 speakers at 1:30 am...

The crowded chamber was empty...

As a side note I got to know a local reporter as he said always bring water and a hard candy to help your vice...

Sadly he was killed for a story he was working on...
   / Now it's a crime to use gas trimmers in my California city just as fire season kicks off... #100  
Rodwood - Do you pack your trash when you camp? Does it matter whether the law requires you to do it? Have you ever seen brown air in the cities? 2 cycles are bad polluters. Phasing them out won't fix anything but it will have benefits greater than the costs. You can either acknowledge that reality and deal with it, or keep spitting into the wind. Your choice.
The brown air isent comming from string trimmers or blowers take off the rose colored glasses, over population, poor emmission factories and vehicles are 99% of the participate matter floating around. Regulating a penny when a dollar is the issue is pie in the sky efforts.
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