OK Dads, spill the beans

   / OK Dads, spill the beans #21  
My oldest got married on family property on the white river in Arkansas this past June. Her husband to be walked her down the bank. I gave a speech to them followed by the grooms father. I don't remember what I said, but there were tears.

When the boys wanted to come around, they were informed by my daughters that they had to meet the parents. They were met with a chair in the middle of the living room. They had to go through 10 - 30 minutes of questioning by the family and whatever friends were there. Very few boys have opted for that experience. My daughters have thanked me because only the good ones volunteer for it.

Also as my daughters went away to college, their rooms were changed. The first became my computer room. The second became a game room with a pool table. The third became the guest room with all the left over beds in it. That is where the middle and youngest are now, and they will tell you they are only guests. The 20 yr old is working on her Masters Degree and will probably be married in 1-2 yrs. The 23 year old will be leaving out of state for her Masters Degree.

They grow up too fast.

   / OK Dads, spill the beans #22  
I liked the story about the blanket - It's an interesting question - I have a 4 year old. However, I think the best thing you can think about is praying for her future husband - If she marries the right man, what you tell her before her wedding really doesn't matter.

And I recommend that when she is older that you tell her that you pray for her future husband - And hopefully she won't marry a yahoo and elope on the beach some where - If you get to walk her down an aisle, that'll be a good start :)
   / OK Dads, spill the beans #23  
Didn't tell my daughter anything special when she got married in Nov. '06. Figured over 23 yrs. we'd had our chance to tell her what we needed to say. But 6 months later when the loser told her he "didn't want to be married any more," :mad: they had to hold me back to keep from going over and getting a piece of his posterior! She came back to live with us and is just now moving out to a place of her own after 8 months. I've learned even more about SHOWING your love with more than just words, that is, by being there.
   / OK Dads, spill the beans #24  
Two sons and one daughter, when my daughter brought her bf to meet us for the first time, my daughter and I were in the back yard talking and my wife
and her bf were on the front porch talking. My daughter later told me that on the way home Greg told her that my wife looked at him dead serious and told him, "If you mistreat Karen, she has a dad, two brothers, and four uncles and me, and we will KILL you". About a year later, they got married and he is one super guy.
   / OK Dads, spill the beans #25  
not sure as jt is a long way off. However, I will have four chances to get it right. I am sure there will be some mention of my gun collection and ability to use them.
   / OK Dads, spill the beans #26  
Young daughters can bring a lot of joy. So can older daughters. For those with daughters in between, just remember that they do turn back into humans after age 23 years!!

I told my daughter to get out of our house when she was 18 (at 2 in the morning). I had finally had enough of being treated like dirt in my own home. She was made welcome when she visited and we continued to pay her university expenses. She was going out with a control freak who would not pick her up from our place or come to dinner. She was not allowed to visit her friends often. She tried to leave but he talked her out of leaving. Eventually she met another bloke who shortly after moved to another state. He rang her and asked her to come over and live with him. Although we had not met him, we agreed (readily) and helped her to pack. Now she is married to him and we are hoping for grandkids soon.

So to those considering using the FEL for the daughter, just hang in until she turns 23!!

   / OK Dads, spill the beans #27  
My wife was in the Phillippines at the time.... Navy said I did'nt have time to do the paperwork... yes I did! Her father was handling a Bolo knife when I asked for his daughter... answer was yes... married for 20 plus years and have build her mom and dad a nice new house with 2 full baths, cooking appliances, Sara-Sari store... Just sent her brother to Macal to earn money... I help her Mom and Dad a lot and I feel good about doing it... BIL's in Dubi, another in Iran, SIL in Ireland. I am blessed that I can do these things... My wife is the best and is an why you can't just the book by the cover! I was 32 years old at the time!
