Out Pesky Swirl Marks !

   / Out Pesky Swirl Marks ! #11  
What did I really think? First I doublechecked what web site I was on. But tongue and cheek or not, I see a buffer, wax and a very shiny "tractor". So I think you really wax that thing for real. /forums/images/graemlins/grin.gif Not that's there anything wrong with that!! /forums/images/graemlins/crazy.gif /forums/images/graemlins/crazy.gif /forums/images/graemlins/grin.gif
   / Out Pesky Swirl Marks ! #12  
Logic dictates that a clean tractor:

1. Is for sale.
2. About to be in a parade.
3. Will not be used for real tractor jobs.
4. Owner does not really need a tractor.
5. Owner is about to pick up his date for a "Hay Ride"

Enjoy your clean tractor while it lasts.

P.S. The only part of a tractor that should be clean are parts that have been recently repaired or replaced.
If you would have not tried to buff that machine you would have never got those swirl marks in the first place - What were you thinking?
   / Out Pesky Swirl Marks ! #13  
I've used 3-M '' swirl remover" with a used, not new, clean terry cloth towel to remove buffer swirl marks on a black car- works great, NO swirls at all when done. Don't use a circular motion, just back and forth. I guess a foam pad will help prevent swirl marks too, but a towel is cheaper.
   / Out Pesky Swirl Marks ! #14  
Cant ever remember buffing this old girl out, but when I scratch it , it doesnt hurt as much /forums/images/graemlins/grin.gif



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   / Out Pesky Swirl Marks !
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Like a boy with a new toy..... i just couldn't resist shining it up a bit ! I swore i would never be one of "those guys", but yet, there i was ! Just figured a couple other guys and gals might find it as ironic as i did that there was a buffer, and a tractor in the same picture !

"those guys" = "tractor waxers"

Scott /forums/images/graemlins/wink.gif
   / Out Pesky Swirl Marks ! #17  
BadDog - you are brutally honest. I guess I'll never ask you if my slip is showing!!!!! Clyde
   / Out Pesky Swirl Marks ! #18  
I don't worry about swirls- tractor has no paint left! /forums/images/graemlins/grin.gif
   / Out Pesky Swirl Marks ! #19  
I am really glad to see that people have the time to buff thier tractors. I'd be afraid of getting dirt on it if I spent all that time doing that. I wouldn't even take it up in the woods for fear of scratching it. /forums/images/graemlins/cool.gif /forums/images/graemlins/cool.gif /forums/images/graemlins/cool.gif

Sure does look nice.
   / Out Pesky Swirl Marks ! #20  
Uhm, I've never even washed a tractor before... the rain takes car of it usually.