Forks Pallet forks on E-Bay

   / Pallet forks on E-Bay #11  
</font><font color="blue" class="small">( According to the Kubota manual the LA210 FEL has a lift capacity of 463 pounds. It also says the bucket weighs in at 132 pounds. So I figure the FEL arms have a lifting capacity of 595 pounds without the bucket attached.)</font>
If the 463 pounds is at the pivot point where you would hook up the bucket, the bucket weight will be deducted from that not added. Then, anything else you hook up will be deducted. I'm not looking at the specs, but most of the time the lift capacity is measured without any bucket on, so it will not go up by the bucket weight, but down. John
   / Pallet forks on E-Bay #12  
The manual does not specify whether or not it the load capacity is with or without bucket - it just says "ASAE rated lift capacity". Thanks for the info though - gives me more to think about. I suppose I could fill up the loader with weightlifting weights and see how much the thing will lift to get a better idea of what I am really dealing with. I think as long as I keep the backframe and forks combination weighing in around 150 pounds ( the bucket weighs 132) I will have more than enough lift capacity to do the things I need to do with it.
   / Pallet forks on E-Bay #13  

I think the point I was trying to make was simply that the BX does not have the capacity to lift a whole lot. Not sure if this came across or not... /forums/images/graemlins/blush.gif

Whatever forks you end up with will only carry maybe 300 lbs max on each, maybe 500 lbs might be possible worst case on one...but usually the load is shared by both forks.

Forks from real forklifts are generally heavy and strong. MUCH stronger than needed for the bx lift capacity. So if one would use a pair of them, he would lose working capacity and not gain a whole lot, because the bx does not have the capacity to use the extra fork strength.

So one could probably make a pretty nice, and not too heavy, palet fork setup for a bx with commonly available local materials, maybe even find some scrap in a scrap yard that would do the trick...

The clamp on forks I have are made from rectangular tubing of some type, and they are rated for 500 lbs per fork.

By the way, I remember the thread you mentioned where a guy made a pretty nice set of palet forks using one forklift fork that he cut in half lengthwise...he did a great job, but what impressed me most was that he spent about 8 hours (or was it 12?) with a circular saw and abrasive blade, running it up and down the fork...before it was in two parts!!! /forums/images/graemlins/cool.gif

In my mind I gave him an A for his project, and an A++++ for his work ethic... /forums/images/graemlins/grin.gif
   / Pallet forks on E-Bay #14  
If you need light forks, you may want to look at hand truck producers. Like this

Lighter duty and smaller forks, but still quality stuff. I found a pair at a scrap yard that were still attached to a setup like in the link. They only weigh about 30# each and are 30" long and 2.5" wide. I think they are perfect size for my loader. All I had to do is weld up a frame that fit my 410 loader and whala, forks with a capacity matched to my tractor (at least closer). I had a set made from 48", 4000# capacity and they were too big and heavy for the capacity of my loader.

Before I found them at the scrapyard I had inquired about buying a new set and remember it being under $200 new. Something else to think about....
   / Pallet forks on E-Bay #15  
BINGO! /forums/images/graemlins/grin.gif /forums/images/graemlins/grin.gif /forums/images/graemlins/grin.gif
   / Pallet forks on E-Bay
  • Thread Starter

You are more than welcome......Always looking for a deal on stuff to add to the CUT! And like to share the finds....when there's mulitiples!
   / Pallet forks on E-Bay #18  
I appreciate the input Henro - I hadn't initially thought of the fact that these forks might be way overkill for what I want to do. I sent an email out to the guy with the auction to see if he maybe has any lighter duty forks in that 12 dozen. Some time this week I am going to load up my FEL bucket with some weighlifting weights and see how much it will really lift. I managed to get a couple of really big rocks into the FEL this weekend and carry them but I was not able to lift them off the ground. I came down a slope and got the rock into the bucket - then when I was on flat ground the bucket ended up being a foot or so off the ground and I was able to carry it that way. I am guessing that the actual lift capacity of the FEL with the bucket attached is around 400 pounds but I want to confirm it. This will give me a better idea of my target weight for the backframe and forks assembly. I had my heart set on forged forks for one reason - I operated forklifts for a number of years and learned that the thin front edges of a forged type fork have a number of advantages - you can get them under things much more easily than a tubular type fork. That being said if the weight disadvantage of a forged type fork is too much it would not be worth using one especially on the BX. Thanks also for the link to the handlifts Cdash - that is another option I had not thought of. If the guy on Ebay does not come thru I will have to start hunting thru the local metal scrap yards or something to find what I want.
   / Pallet forks on E-Bay #19  
good morning,
be careful with pallet forks that are for forklifts........ /forums/images/graemlins/shocked.gif they WILL add a lot of weight that will effect the lifting capacity of your cut....even tho' you can lift with a cut w/fel and do lots of work /forums/images/graemlins/grin.gif......they are not fork flame intended, just be careful /forums/images/graemlins/wink.gif /forums/images/graemlins/wink.gif over the years of selling forklifts, i've seen just about everything possible with a forklift including tipovers and rollovers, most of the time due to overloading and operator abuse.....
just be safe /forums/images/graemlins/grin.gif /forums/images/graemlins/grin.gif /forums/images/graemlins/grin.gif

good luck,
   / Pallet forks on E-Bay #20  
</font><font color="blue" class="small">( Some time this week I am going to load up my FEL bucket with some weighlifting weights and see how much it will really lift. )</font>
Keep in mind that the loader will acheive it's best lift when you have LOTS of rear weight on the tractor. Otherwise, not only are you lifting the loader, you're getting lift on the rearend of the tractor which adds weight to what you're trying to lift. You can easily test this by lifting moderately heavy weight with very little rear ballast and then add a lot more rear ballast. The loader won't give out as fast with heavier weight. John

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