Plastic Mulch for vegetables started from seed

   / Plastic Mulch for vegetables started from seed #1  


Silver Member
Jan 9, 2007
Saskatoon, Saskatchewan
Has anyone seen any plastic mulch that will work with vegetables started from seed - like carrots, spinach, onions, potatoes, etc.

I've read a bit about low plastic (slit polyethylene) tunnels that require a hoop - not sure they will reduce weeds though.

If not, how can you minimize the weeding process without chemicals?

Thank you
   / Plastic Mulch for vegetables started from seed #2  
You can direct seed many crops using plastic mulch. You could easily plant onion sets or potato though most people hill or mulch potato plantings and that minimizes weed growth. Honestly really don't think carrots would ever work or other root crops like beets and certain greens. Same with beans most don't do it that I know of. Spinach seed is large enough you could try it if really wanted to but being a cool weather crop shouldn't really have the weed pressure of long summer plantings anyways plus if its close enough in a bed planting that should help keep weeds down too. Using roll mulches are very helpful though and there are bio degradable ones available now too. There much more for specific for large seeds or transplants. Work great for tomato, pepper, eggplant, strawberries, all the squashes, and pumpkins too. And there's others...cucumber and brassicas from transplant also do well on plastic. Tunnels are best for controlling insect pressure more than weeds. Weeds will still grow well under a row cover fabric or the slit plastic or there best utilized for early season planting warmth.
   / Plastic Mulch for vegetables started from seed #3  
About the second part of your question...There are numerous non chemical means of control used for weed suppression in gardening/farming. Beside plastic or biodegradable film products using organic material mulching is one proven technique. Cut grasses, ground mulches, paper products etc. Cover crops are sometimes used. And of course there is the tried and true technique of soil tillage and cultivation whether mechanically (there are numerous types of machinery available) or with hand tools. Hands on techniques for both weeding and insects are common in non chemical environments. Some chemicals meet a "natural" criteria most they're mild acids like vinegar or citrus.There are flame weeders that can be used to burn weeds and there is also a corn gluten product being promoted as a weed killer too. The stale seed bed is a technique that growers both organic or conventional can utilize and it would be especially useful on crops like carrots or other crops like beets onions or even garlic. Many university extension programs have on line publications on stale seed bed usage.
   / Plastic Mulch for vegetables started from seed #4  
Typed a longer explanation and it did not post??
Short version-
Good info DFB
Tunnel plastic is for faster seed germination- warms up faster. We use cover crops, premergence, and tillage. Plasticulture is typically for transplants. Look at CSI, we used them this year for soil testing. They have some good info.
   / Plastic Mulch for vegetables started from seed #5  
Reyer Farms good to see you posting.
   / Plastic Mulch for vegetables started from seed #6  
I been busy! Strawberries growing, heifers calving, hogs finishing, trying to build commercial kitchen on farm and dealing with all the regulations on that while wading through usda regs on meat labels. Looking for some good help and waiting on second youngin to get here in May. Loving every minute!!