Polaris Task Master

   / Polaris Task Master #1  


Gold Member
Jan 1, 2001
NW Missouri
John Deere 1025r
Has anyone checked out the Polaris Task Master and current pricing on these units? Have any comments on their performance.
   / Polaris Task Master #2  
I went to the web site to see them because I had not heard of them. It looks as though they beefed up their basic 2X4 model. What I found odd was that they are putting a 653cc engine in the Taskmaster 2X4 but they are still equiping the 4X4 and 6X6 Ranger with the 499cc engine.
   / Polaris Task Master #3  
The TM is air-cooled. The 4x4 and 6x6 are liquid cooled.
   / Polaris Task Master #4  
That would make sense. Panache what part of Bama are you in?
   / Polaris Task Master #5  
Not to bad of a price. But air cooled......seems like a machine like that is going to be going slow and working most of the time. I wonder how hot that little bugger would get. .
   / Polaris Task Master #6  
Equality area. I know Equality and Alabama don't belong in the same sentence. But then Eclectic is just down the road. Go figure.
   / Polaris Task Master #7  
Not to hijack this thread, but I have never heard or Equality or Eclectic Alabama. I do know where Normal Alabama is.
   / Polaris Task Master #8  
About 30 miles north of Montgomery.

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