Potato Cannon

   / Potato Cannon #1  


Platinum Member
Nov 29, 2013
Central WI
7753 bobcat
Works really well! swear it will go a mile. When you pump 130 psi into it is kinda scary as you can feel the PVC expand.:cool2:

IMAG0381.jpg IMAG0382.jpg
   / Potato Cannon #2  
I made one with a coaxial barrel and tank. It used a "quick exhaust" valve to fire. Could launch things out of sight. Used 2" PVC for the barrel.

Then I made one that could be breach loaded, out of copper pipe with a 1" barrel.

You can feel the copper get warm as you charge it.
   / Potato Cannon #3  
PVC explodes into lethally sharp shrapnel.... Just so you know. Btdt.
   / Potato Cannon #5  
Somebody shoot a flaming tennis ball over here in Ea WA and there will be homeowners looking for them. This time of year its so dry the grasshoppers rubbing their hind legs together can start a wildfire.

I saw a video clip of a PVC/hairspray potato cannon explode - the guy got shrapnel in his arms & chest.
   / Potato Cannon #6  
The hairspray and ignition is probably far more dangerous than compressed air well below the pipe rating. But, still, PVC isn't recommended for air lines, either, though many use it with no problem.

   / Potato Cannon
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PVC explodes into lethally sharp shrapnel.... Just so you know. Btdt.
The PVC is rated for 250 psi, don't remember what fittings are actually, I did however make sure everything was with in specs including the glue/cement! Gluing it up can be tricky and it takes two people, it is designed so that the air rushes into the center.
   / Potato Cannon #8  
Can't powder coat that. Bummer!:laughing:
   / Potato Cannon #9  
The PVC is rated for 250 psi

PVC is rated at 0 psi of compressed air.

tcartwri is correct. It may not fail, but it defiantly can.

I was once injured by a PVC compressed air line that failed.

I would suggest you keep onlookers clear of it.
   / Potato Cannon #10  
Your design puts a lot of lateral loading on that discharge pipe with every "firing" and will eventually cause it to break at or around the union. PVC is very brittle and gets worse with age and cold so I would be very cautious about using that thing. There is a reason most potato cannons are in-line with everything. Each bend also gets hammered with air hammer effect when discharging. DO yourself a favor and destroy that thing before you get maimed or killed by it.