Propane costs up

   / Propane costs up #31  
Wouldn't you know it. I've been accumulating parts (tanks, switching regulator, hose and wire) for a whole-house generator. I bought two 100lb tanks at a really good price off Amazon a few months ago. I see the tanks have about doubled in price. I don't have them full yet as I don't have the generator. I was about to spring for the generator after I got the tanks but Amazon has been playing the pricing game on my "Shopping Lists" so I put that off as well as a few other purchases.

I actually had the generator in my Cart for a few days then they added over $200 to it. After that, I moved it to "Save for Later". The price came back down so I moved it to my cart again. A couple of days later, I was going to pull the trigger and it said the generator was no longer available. I just deleted it then. :rolleyes:

I guess I'll wait. The 13-22Kw generators have been bouncing all over the place in price since the big freeze down here. Some of the well known names have a 6-month waiting list.
Get on the Home Depot mailing list. I picked up a propane-only standby generator there for about 35% off a while back. It was an unadvertised, mailing list only sale. Maybe it will come around again, maybe not, but put it on your wish list on the web site.
   / Propane costs up #32  
Unfortunately buying tanks would make no difference. They got a monopoly and charge the same price year round. BUT, they do provide you with a jar of Vaseline with your annual contract. :eek:
I just have the gas logs fire place. Up here WA state it does make a difference owning your own tank. Just to be able to shop around and there can be a big difference. I own a 100 gallon "Jug". Amerigas are a bunch of bandits up here. I deal with a farm coop but he won't fill the smaller 25 gal tanks and I have five of them I have to take them to town and get dockside prices. I won't make this political, but what ever happened to "all the above" for energy sources and natural gas being one of them. We need the distribution lines ran out to the rural areas and up the city and towns streets and stop exporting to the world.
   / Propane costs up #33  
I just have the gas logs fire place. Up here WA state it does make a difference owning your own tank. Just to be able to shop around and there can be a big difference. I own a 100 gallon "Jug". Amerigas are a bunch of bandits up here. I deal with a farm coop but he won't fill the smaller 25 gal tanks and I have five of them I have to take them to town and get dockside prices. I won't make this political, but what ever happened to "all the above" for energy sources and natural gas being one of them. We need the distribution lines ran out to the rural areas and up the city and towns streets and stop exporting to the world.
NG would be a loser for me. Electricity is my only utility, and it runs about $100/month, including heat, AC, pumping and heating water, lights, computers and entertainment. Generator fuel was a one time outlay for tanks and propane, which has been sitting there unused for years.