Property use by professional photographer

   / Property use by professional photographer #1  


New member
Jul 12, 2017
Dalton, Georgia
Kubota MX6000 HST
My in-laws told a professional photographer that they can use my farm as one of their photo shoot locations in return for free pictures of their daughter "for life" whatever that means. It was not cleared with me, just mentioned in passing but not posed as a question:(. Now, photographer is coming out to scout locations on the property. Anyone have any thoughts or ideas on how to handle this type of arrangement?

Some background: We gave them a parcel of land on our farm to build their house. I told them when we first gave them the land that we are more than happy for their family (including their grown kids and grandkids) to use the whole farm anytime and bring their friends. We would NOT be comfortable with them just allowing others to come out without them to use the property. Then, one day this Spring, they told me they were going to let some kids come fish in the pond that day - not anyone they knew, just kids that looked the property up on Google Earth and knew someone from their church. We have livestock and also lease pasture to cattleman so gates and the animal welfare is an issue. They were not happy they had to then stay with the kids the whole time they fished. It caused frustration on both sides.

We thought we were doing a good thing giving them a place to build out in the country. Now, it's becoming an area of stress for me. This is a little more of a rant than a question but appreciate the forum and any advice from people in this situation and how they share their land with in-laws while maintaining good relationship AND safety/security/peace on the land!
   / Property use by professional photographer #2  
One word. Boundaries. And never be afraid to enforce them, with anyone. People only respect you that way. Be a nice person, but you need those boundaries.

As far as the lifetime thing goes. That agreement is worth the paper it's written on.

My Lady friend asked to borrow my Makita Electric Planer on the weekend, and I think whe was shocked when I said NO. She can borrow and even have a lot of things, but there are boundaries and limitations.
   / Property use by professional photographer #3  
Your homeowners insurance policy may be a good tool to keep this under control. You may be able to say your policy does not allow commercial use (paid photographer) of the property. It may only allow for those who have YOUR specific permission to be on the property.
   / Property use by professional photographer
  • Thread Starter
I completely agree! Boundaries and limitations. There seems to be a disconnect between what I lay out (use of the property for their family) and what they end up asking for or trying to use it for. Part of this is getting to know them as we haven't lived near them before this so we are interacting more as we are now neighbors. I won't let them use any equipment now since each time I have, it is abused. They don't respect their own equipment so... It's just unfortunate. They really seemed excited about being out on the farm. There is also a level of difficulty in that I am a female and dealing with my brother-in-law who is not used to having to get permission for anything in his world - especially from a woman:(
   / Property use by professional photographer
  • Thread Starter
Your homeowners insurance policy may be a good tool to keep this under control. You may be able to say your policy does not allow commercial use (paid photographer) of the property. It may only allow for those who have YOUR specific permission to be on the property.

Thanks! I will look into that.
   / Property use by professional photographer #7  
just tell the photographer that without your permission its trespassing. Its your property, not your neighbors. He will understand.
   / Property use by professional photographer #8  
As far as I am concerned - only the owner of my property can give anyone permission for any use of my property. The ONLY owner of my property - me.

I've come up against a very similar situation. A friend was allowed to fish in my lake. He told a friend of his that it was OK for them to fish in my lake. Now, neither of them have permission.

If your in-laws are going to treat you that way - I would strongly suggest - take back the land you so kindly gave them. This will, otherwise, end up in a major problem.
   / Property use by professional photographer #9  
Your homeowners insurance policy may be a good tool to keep this under control. You may be able to say your policy does not allow commercial use (paid photographer) of the property. It may only allow for those who have YOUR specific permission to be on the property.

This seems like very good advice. If you allow a photographer to bring people onto your property, what happens if someone gets injured? They're going to sue the photographer and the property owner (you), guaranteed.

I'd consult your insurance agent (and whisper in their ear that you are hoping for a NO answer) then tell everyone the bad news. ;)
   / Property use by professional photographer #10  
Learn the word NO.

Mean it and stand by it without wavering.

No means NO.

I would not need an insurance agent to tell me either way. But then again, I would not have ceded room for a house to be built either. There would have been a deed. And a property line ... fenced.