PT-422 for sale in classifieds

   / PT-422 for sale in classifieds #1  


Silver Member
Sep 23, 2001
Southwest Va
Deere X758
PT-422 for sale in classifieds. It is my Fathers. Please contact him per the ad. Thank you, Chris
   / PT-422 for sale in classifieds #2  
Decent deal for a 2005 with 376 hours on it.

Is he keeping the attachments for another Power Trac?
   / PT-422 for sale in classifieds
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Yes he just bought a 425 EFI.
   / PT-422 for sale in classifieds
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Just FYI. The new 425 EFI has been overheating/shutting down as identified here in the forums. With two hours on the clock, dad took it back to Tazewell. After a week of working with it (new fuel pump, new design exhaust, side mounted fan), it still shuts down when working hard. Vapor locking at the throttle body is the thought. Pulled the EFI out and put the carb'ed 25hp in. Dad is picking up today. Said they would not be putting the EFI's in any more. New Robin design (whatever that means) heats up more than an "older" design. Dad is disappointed, but they did attempt to fix the issue. Meanwhile, the PT-422 is still fer sale...

   / PT-422 for sale in classifieds #5  
Vapor locking at the throttle body is the thought. Pulled the EFI out and put the carb'ed 25hp in.
One of the previous posts identified that the EFI has a heat sensor, and it shuts off when it is "over heated". So it might not be vapor lock. I don't really think the EFI puts off more waste heat than the carbonated version, I just think it is more sensitive to the heat (especially with the temp sensor mounted underneath the exhaust manifold).

Too bad PT gave up so quick on the EFI version. They should have spent some more time solving the under-hood heat problem (that is a problem with ALL their engines, not just the EFI).
1. better exhaust system
2. Reverse mount the motor so the exhaust is at the back of the tub and the pumps mount to an adaptor plate on the fan
3. Better fan arrangement for cooling the interior
4. Better heat shield around the exhaust manifold/muffler
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   / PT-422 for sale in classifieds #6  
I almost pulled the trigger on the EFI last month. As much as I wanted to buy it, my gut kept telling me to hold off. I wish there was a rock solid engine for the 425.
   / PT-422 for sale in classifieds #7  
That is a shame. They should put the additional engineering effort to correct the problem. Oh well.
   / PT-422 for sale in classifieds
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I agree, I think the issues could be addressed. And it could be the temp sensor, I agree. Either way, it is getting too hot. I am curious if someone else bought one and requested the EFI if they'd try it again. Anyway, Pops is purring along with the carb'ed 425 and is good. FYI, for reference, we sold the 422 for $4000.

Thank you to everyone and have a great day.